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Hypnotist Kelly Saturday, February 19, 2011


I was doing my regular routine, which is to read the weekly flyer at my local church during mass. No sooner did I read that the priests at my church community published a disturbing ad. The ad indicated that a local hypnotist will partake in a shared activity with our church members.

After mass, I spoke with the deacon regarding my concerns. He said that he was confused by the ad as well. I presented the idea that I was taught to believe that hypnosis is against our Catholic religion because it may open doors. He did not have an answer for me in return. However, he volunteered that he would not take part in that kind of an activity anyway, that is, that he would not be hypnotized. In conclusion, he said that he will let the priest know that the ad is disturbing some of our church members.

Meanwhile, I felt that it would be beneficial for me to further educate myself on the concept of hypnosis before I continue to address this as a concern with my priest. Brother Ignaitius Mary, what are your thoughts on hypnosis?



Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Kelly:

Hypnosis is, as described by Fr. John D. Dreher in his article, The Danger of Centering Prayer (which is a hypnotic prayer technique) is a "disengagement from other stimuli, a high degree of openness to suggestion, a psychological and physiological condition that externally resembles sleep but in which consciousness is interiorized and the mind subject to suggestion."

I used to use hypnotism myself when I was involved in psychology. Even then I taught that hypnotism should be used only in very particular instances as a last resort. For example, severely burned patients can benefit from hypnosis to control pain since they may not be able to receive any pain medication during part of their recovery. Outside of that, I do not think there is any valid reason to use hypnosis.

"Entertainment" hypnosis should never be done under any circumstances.

The Church has said little about hypnotism, but as written in the Catholic Encyclopedia article on Hypnotism, the Church warns against the abuses of “magnetism and hypnotism” while leaving the way free “for scientific research.”

The Catholic Encyclopedia article quotes the caution of the Holy Office:

"The use of magnetism, that is to say, the mere act of employing physical means otherwise permissible, is not morally forbidden, provided that it does not tend to an illicit end or one which may be in any manner evil" (Response of the Holy Office, 2 June, 1840).

However, the encyclopedia article concludes:

"Hypnotism, therefore, is a dangerous, if not a morally detestable, practice. In the process of suggestion the individual alienates his liberty and his reason, handing himself over to the domination of another."

Hypnosis, except for very particular medical reasons conducted ethically by a professional in a medical setting is dangerous as it can leave one open to demonic suggestion and harassment. No parish has any business sponsoring a hypnosis activity that is outside of a clinical setting. To promote entertainment hypnosis is irresponsible, foolish, and dangerous psychologically and spiritually.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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