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My lost Children Josephine Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hello Bro.Ignatius; it has been sometime time since I have written to you. My question is quite personal.

If a woman has an abortion because she is being pressured by doctors because of a medical condition she has, and she goes through with it, in a terrible state of guilt and sadness, and totally remorseful and against it, what happens to that little soul that was conceived? Will it somehow grow up in Heaven and one day be united with the Mother that so reluctantly did that awful act?

Thank you for any attention to this question.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Josephine:

All babies, at the very moment of conception are imbued with a soul created by God at that very moment. Thus, these children all go into the arms of God, even if dying by failing to implant in the uterus, dying for whatever reasons in miscarriage, or abortion by contraceptive device or medicine, or deliberate abortion.

The Church does not know exactly whether or not these children experience the beatific vision since they have not be baptized, but the Church gives the care of these children to the grace, mercy, and love of our Heavenly Father.

When we get to heaven, we will see all of our children who have died by contraception, natural miscarriage, or abortion. They will all be there.

Take cheer, these babies are with our Lord and we will meet them someday.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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