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The Catholic Church & Santa Marte Monday, September 27, 2004


Every year, I put up an 8 or 9 foot Christmas Tree - all decked out with lights, Nativity Scenes, glitter and glitz.

Last year, as I was setting up our tree, I was about to hang an ornament of Santa Claus, when I experienced a strong urge to sit down and write out:

A feeling came upon me to switch the letters N-T-A, to make the word S-A-T-A-N.

At that point, it was revealed to me that Satan, in his ever-present jealousy, wanted to steal the glory away from the celebrated Birth of Jesus; and therefore, Santa was developed, cheered and loved by people around the world.

Since this experience, I am developing a dislike for Santa images. It is possible (since I am always under Satanic attack by a Satanist relative); that there is an attempt, through witchcraft, to destroy my joy of Christmas.

Of course, for me, Santa never came first, anyway.
What is the position of The Church on Santa?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Marie:

Santa Claus is based upon the story of a real person, St. Nicholas. Santa (which means "Saint" in English) Claus represents the "spirit of Christmas" of generosity and good will toward men. The Church has no problem with Santa Claus as long as we are not delving into such commercialism and materialism that we lose the true meaning of Christmas. The tradition of Santa Clause does not have to be commercialized or sole material in nature. Although our society has made Christmas a "den of thieves" and "money changers at the temple", we in our homes and with our families can present a tradition of Santa Claus in conjunction with the Nativity as a means to encourage love, generosity, and good will.

I would say that if you are under attack from a Satanist relative that that is most likely the source of what happened to you.

I would recommend the prayers in our SW Prayer Catalog concerning the breaking of curses and the like. You may want to pray that prayer daily, or at least frequently, if you have a relative who may be regularly cursing you or casting spells.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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