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Praying for Occultists Deanna Tuesday, April 26, 2011



I'm wondering if it's wrong to pray for someone that you know would definately be outraged if they knew about your prayers for them. Is it wrong to pray deliverance prayers for someone you know is (or may have been) a Satanist, witch, or is enthusiastically into the worst sorts of pornography? Is this interfering with someone's free will? and can this backfire on the petitioner?

I was involved with a man online years ago who admitted to me that he had been the leader of a coven and was now a powerful shaman (I won't go into the details of why I believe him--but I know he was demonically assisted in messing up my life for years after we parted ways), and now that I have said 30 minutes of deliverance prayers 5 days a week for 4 months (and feel much, much better, by the way), I want to pray for him to get his act together before his earthly life is over. I intend to pray for him without his knowledge, and I am not having anything to do with him otherwise, other than privately praying for him.

Thank you--


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Deanna:

You should pray for this man until the day you die. And if you die before him, continue to pray in heaven for him until the day he dies.

There is no violation of Free Will to pray for someone who does not want prayer. There is nothing being forced upon the person.

The reason that occultist think that praying for them is a violation of their Free Will is because they consider prayer to be "prayer magick". Prayer magick (which is really a spell) is an attempt to force others to do things.

Christian prayer does not attempt to force anyone to do anything. God will not force anyone to do anything. Christian prayer is petitioning God and the Saints to influence the person, to try to convince the person, to help the person, to return to God. It is still up to the person's Free Will choice whether or not to actually do so.

There is no backfire for praying for someone. In fact, it is just the opposite -- you receive a grace for your charity to pray for the man.

So, keep praying for this man. We have some prayers in our Spiritual Warfare Catalog, linked below, just for this purpose. 

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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