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Rare books on the Occult Irene Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Years ago, when I wasn't a practicing Catholic, I collected and read many books on the occult, not fully realizing the implications of what I was doing. I always had a very inquisitive mind and my drawing to reading such material was to gain a deeper understanding of "life" so to speak.

In any case, to make an extremely long story short, through a series of miracles which I strongly believe occurred through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary I came back to the Catholic Church.

I was so deeply involved in the reading of the occult books and was even invited by private invitation to be part of an elite Kabalistic group which I accepted and participated in. At this point in my life, only a miracle(s) could have brought me back to the Catholic Church - and the miracles occurred - It first began with my meeting an 18 year old boy who caught my attention since he always wore a wooden crucifix - he invited me to go with him and his parents to a special location to do the Stations of the Cross where also apparently a Catholic mystic had visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I went and after that started experiencing many" phenomena" which continued for almost a year ....

After I returned to my faith and the Church I got rid of all my books on the occult except two rare books which I hated to give up because they were such a "wealth of information" on ecotoplasm, etc. etc. I still have the books which I hadn't looked at in over 10 years, but the other day when I was putting things away and came across them, I started reading one of the books and it was like I couldn't stop, I was being "drawn" into the book. If these books can be of use in your Ministry, please let me know. After that experience of being "drawn" into the book, I realize that I should not have it in my possession.

Thank you very much for your help.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Irene:

I praise God that you made it back to the Church and in such miraculous ways.

As you experienced, those books need to go no matter how rare they are. They need either to be destroyed or sent to us. We may be able to use them in our training. After looking at them, if we cannot use the books, we will burn them.

We have a pamphlet that gives instructions on how to destroy such things: Procedure to Destroy Occultic or Cursed Objects (pdf file). This pamphlet also gives an address to send the material to us if you wish.

Either way, be sure to renounce your reading these books again and for keeping them. Here is a prayer for that purpose:

Dear Heavenly Father, I confess that I have participated in  {list activities} . Also forgive me for not destroying these books. Forgive me Father for reading them again when I found them. I thank you for forgiving me for being involved in these activities that are unpleasing and offensive to You. I now renounce all these groups, activities, and philosophies I have listed, and for all other groups, activities, or philosophies in my past that I do not now remember. I now break any and all attachments or bondage that have been created by my occult involvements, or with keeping or reading these books. With the intercessions of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, Blessed St. Michael the Archangel, Sts. Benedict and Padre Pio, my Guardian Angel, and all the Saints and Angels of Heaven, and powerful in the holy authority of the Name of Jesus Christ, I take back the ground in my life gained by Satan through these activities. I reclaim this ground and my life for Christ. Amen.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius

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