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Ghost and Paranormal TV shows Alex Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Dear Brother,

I've read some replies that indicate that you don't approve of watching those ghost-hunting TV programs. I tended to disagree because I found that they cultivated a belief in the afterlife which is helpful in this secular world.

Lately I've seen a couple of shows that presented evidence that is too compelling; one had clearly audible growling, another showed a demonic face in a mirror.

I'm now starting to think that these shows are coming too close to the Devil's sandbox, and encouraging others to do the same. There have been paranormal researchers that have said that demonic entities have followed them home and entered their lives merely after attempting to record EVP's etc.

Too little attention to the reality of demons is harmful, but sometimes too much is also bad.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Alex:

These shows are not "coming close" to Satan's sandbox, they are deeply into Satan's sand up to their necks.

These shows do not cultivate any healthy interest in the afterlife. We need to cultivate interest in one's eternal soul (in the afterlife) in a way that is Godly, accurate, and consistent with the truth of the afterlife.

The view of the afterlife in these shows, on the other hand, is not sourced in God and thus these shows contribute seriously to an unhealthy interest in the occult and in the devil. These shows are the devil's work plain and simple and very dangerous since they teach gross errors and outright lies about demonology and spiritual phenomena.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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