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Large Blessed Divine Mercy image, to counter negative Pia Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Thank you Bro. for your prudent answers .

Sharing this to see if your readers have experience in using Divine Mercy image as aid in prayer ; having an extra one at hand of the large Vilnius Image (which is the original) put it up, before the computer screen .

It is a good help, in the prayers to bring all to His mercy and to raise the mind and heart often to our Lord .

Thought this might be another help for many struggling out there and may be many homes and Catholic schools could have these large sized - 4' - 6' images , to make same available for children , to help them to see the reality of our Lord and faith in Him !

Could even help in areas such as depression , anxiety , A.D.D and such ailments and behavior problems !

God bless you and your ministry .

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Pia:

Thank you for your thoughts and suggestion.

The Divine Mercy image is one of the most popular images for devotion and prayer. Millions of people use the image as an aid to prayer.

Devotion to the Divine Mercy is certainly helpful with our faith and can also be helpful in times of depression and anxiety. Our Lord is indeed merciful and is ready to receive our prayers. I highly recommend it.

As for seeing if readers have similar experiences, this forum is not set-up for that as it is a place for our staff to answer questions from the public. For discussions and sharing of thoughts and experiences with the Divine Mercy devotion or anything else we have a discussion board called, "Chew the Rag Cafe". It is linked below. All our welcomed to join.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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