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demonic possession and mental illness Gregory Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Would it be possible for the demons to mimic symptoms of mental illness, for example schizofrenia in a person they possess, thus be able to evade prayers for the persons deliverence including exorcism?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Gregory:

I am not sure when you posted this question. It suddenly popped up in our queue with a 2007 date. Anyway, I am answering it now.

Yes, demons can mimic psychiatric conditions, and demonic symptoms can appear to be psychiatric when they are not. This is why a careful assessment of the demonized person is required. But, absolute discernment of where the lines are drawn between what is psychiatric and what is demonic is not required and often can never be fully known. Either way, the prayers for deliverance are the same. The demons will respond to the prayers in any event.

It can be difficult, however, if there are psychiatric issues present, depending on the severity, as the psychiatric symptoms can not only mask a demonic presence, but get in the way of the person cooperating with the deliverance. This problem is more acute in deliverance as opposed to a formal church-approved exorcism.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

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