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Is this a curse and can you curse or bless angels Jan Thursday, June 9, 2011


If you pray for an earthquake or "natural" disaster to God on the Missouri and Massachusetts (separate prays) to desolate the state so they'll connect the dots that abortion and homosexual "marriage" is wrong and that God will punish for it. In the news I heard that both these states have had tornadoes. I was not not praying without anger and while sort of despising those states. Was that a curse?

I read in another answer that curses are prayers to satin. Since this was wishing evil on someone was it not really to God but to him? Also, I asked God before Japan had that tsunami to flood the place saying that I wanted the bad manga/books to be destroyed by a flood and saying what people need to turn back to God is a crisis and if you know they are not going to go to heaven why not kill them no. I am bad keeping tract of time so this may have happened many mouths after by prayer or days. Also, is this a sin and would this have any bad effects on me?

Also, the first time I found out curses were real I, caught up in the novelty and surprise on this for some reason had an impulse to try it out, I thought curse you and I think I might have sort of been thinking of my angel but it was all abstract vague thinking. Would by angel be cursed?

A pretty long while after saying that and feeling guilty like I have since I said it in my mind I said alot of phrasings sorrowfully and repentingly of I'm sorry, God, do not curse whatever I have cursed and said many variation of this like please remove any curse on anything/one in this room [because guardian angels are in your room near you right?], please forgive and bless any entity in this room maybe i said that, please remove any curses caused on any thing in a certain radius I don't remember and I think I was so grieved about it I was crying. I though maybe by possibly [not 100% sure it was aimed at my angel and I think there is a real possibility I was picturing my angel strong over my shoulder and I think I barbarically said it right at it sort of with the though of it in my mind.

I though I possibly might have made my angel fall from God's grace or liking which is probably a stupid idiotic not true thought. I only felt the weight of it go when I said to God something like I take back any curse I ever thought about anyone and regret it and I might have said bless them and I think I might have decided to let go of my serious hate and grudge against school. Anyway I heard a sound that night a laughter I think is was a mean harsh unfriendly laughter I think it was when I after God to bless anything/everything within a few miles of my house or something and since I wasn't sure if I had made the angel lose it's position I sorta think I included bless a demon/reinstate as a angel, if I have done anything that make them fall.

Can I ask God to bless a demon and it might be able to do more against me and my family if I did? I could have heard laughter from my parents room [thin walls] or somewhere else 'cause i'm not too good at distingushing were sound are from but I think it was from right outside my window and it sounded sinister. I think I said something wrong in one of my prayers. Sorry it is so long and thank you.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Jan:

It is a grave sin to wish evil on anyone. You need to go to Confession to confess this grave sin.

It is not up to us to ask God to punish people or states or anything. That is God's business, not ours. Rather, we are to pray for people, states, countries. Ask God to help people and states and countries to do the right thing.

It is not possible for you to cause an Angel to fall. The Angels are always with God -- forever.

A demon cannot be blessed. Demons have forever rejected God and His blessings.

Any curses you have made, ask God to remove those curses and to bless the people or states that you have cursed. Never again are you to try to do curses.

Never again wish evil or any bad things to happen to people or states.

Pray for people, cities, states, countries, the world to do things that are pleasing to God. Ask God to Bless them. Let God take care of the rest.

Be sure to go to confession to confess the sin of wishing evil on others and for making curses.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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