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Lady Gaga Cliff Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Hi Bro.
Its great to see and read from a forum which is so current and up to date. In the spiritual warfare, i agree that we are all called to play our parts and I believe in the defiling of the human mind through external influences.

Question for you, Is Lady Gaga's new albums on JUDAS AND EDGE OF GLORY a reason to be worried that our minds are being defiled and we are unaware. Also point in context is cartoons such as SOUTHPARK, FAMILY GUY which on intention are spreading messages that the church is a joke.

Your opinions will be great to hear. In my opinion these are direct assaults but we are just too busy to pay any attention but are being affected and in turn defiled thus not allowing the holy spirit to reign in us. Can you share?


Ave Maria

Question Answered by

Dear Cliff:

As a general rule and warning, St. Paul taught:

(Philippians 4:8) Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

St. Ignatius of Loyola in his Constitutions wisely teaches:

All should take care to guard with great diligence the gates of their senses (especially the eyes, ears, and tongue) from all disorder, to preserve themselves in peace and true humility of their souls...

There are many things in this life -- books, music, TV, movies, games, entertainments -- that will fail this test of St. Paul and St. Ignatius.

Lady Gaga is no-talent Madonna wannabe. She belongs to the group of entertainers known as "cruds."* Such people as Madonna, The View TV show, Australian comedians Kevin Wilson and his daughter, Tammy-Jo, with a vulgar stage name (I will not repeat is here), Rosie O'Donnell, and many others are entertainers of no value. They are "cruds."

All of these people are vulgar and obscene. In the case of Lady Gaga and Madonna, both are former Catholics who like to offend Catholics.

Rosie O'Donnell, believe it or not, is also a former Catholic, although not only her performance but her personality is one of the cruddiest in the business.

None of these people are worthy of our attention. Good Christians should certainly not consume their "entertainment." These people risk their souls by the music, comedy, or entertainment they spew that contaminates the minds of their audiences. They are part of Satan's plan to spoil our culture and pull us away from God.

Southpark and Family Guy both fit into this crud classification. Both of these shows are vulgar, blasphemous, and unworthy of being called entertainment.

With all the filth, vulgarity, obscenity, blasphemy, and disrespect that permeates the entertainment business, Christians need to be on double-lookout and take the advice of St. Paul and St. Ignatius to heart for the sake of their spiritual health, and sometimes to the sake of their souls.

This garbage is a direct assault to our minds, even a rape of the mind, and will have consequences to one's personality and spirit, most often is a slow way, like the frog put into a pot of water that is slowly warming. At this slow pace the frog does not realise that the water is getting too hot and he dies.

This sort of "entertainment" is killing our culture, ruining the personailty development of generations of kids, and leading the society down a dark and evil path.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

* Crud = "something or someone that is worthless, disgusting, or contemptible"

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