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holy spirit thomas Thursday, July 14, 2011


by laying of hands when the holy spirit enters a person who has loops ( certain amount of sins) he will be falling down is this true in the modern pentecostal? i think in orthdox churche sit si true

Question Answered by

Dear Thomas:

The only time that the Holy Spirit "enters" us upon laying on of hands is in the Sacraments (e.g., Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders).

The phenomenon that I think you are talking about where a person falls down is called, among other things, fainting is the spirit. The idea is that the person is overwhelmed by the presence of the Holy Spirit that they faint, fall down.

This has nothing to do with sin. Though, most of this phenomenon, I believe, is psychological and has little to do with a genuine spiritual experience.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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