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Father Corapi Mary Thursday, July 14, 2011


Dear Brother,

Do you think its possible that Father Corapi is suffering from possession or obsession? Also do you think it could cause any problems to have a signed copy of a book of his in my house?

Thank you and God bless.

Question Answered by

Dear Mary:

Whatever Fr. Corapi has done, it does not diminish or eliminate all the good he has done. There is no problem with owning a signed copy of his book.

As for whether or not Fr. Corapi is demonized, I have no idea. I would have to interview him to make that judgment. At the very least, there were probably some demons around trying to influence him to sin. That is true for all of us. Where sin abounds, demons are nearby.

In his case, and well as in my own case, demons specifically target us. Anyone who is tough and bold in proclaiming the faith is under attack from demons on a daily basis. The demons attack and apply great pressure in the areas of our weaknesses. If we are not careful, we can succumb to those pressures and fall into sin.  I know this from personal experience.

We must pray hard for our priests, religious, and others. Those prayers are especially needed for those who put themselves out there in bold and strong ways for the faith. 

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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