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Examples Esther Tuesday, July 19, 2011


My son who is reasonably healthy 21 year old, gets very ill with type I diabetes . another childs says he is gay. differant child Family is isolated from other families, all my in-laws and their families will not speak to us. This has happened in the last few months.

Question Answered by

Dear Esther:

I am sorry, but you do not give enough information to evaluate whether or not the events in your family have any demonic connection.

For the most part, demons do not have to be involved for us to mess up our lives, or for our families to be problematic and disjointed. We are capable of messing things up all by ourselves.

The World, the Flesh, and the Devil are the three things that can cause us problems.

About 3% of our problems are from demonic sources.
About 7% of our problems come from the world that is beyond our control
And 90% of our problems come from ourselves and the decisions we make.

As for your situation, there is not enough information for me to speculate about demonic connections.

We will pray for your family.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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