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Icky Icke Michael Monday, August 15, 2011


Hi Brother,

I thought you could use a laugh. My mother recently got a copy of a David Icke book. I was sure it would involve trashing our faith, and I was very unhappy that she would read such a thing. I prayed that she would not take it seriously.

Soon afterwards, she put the book in her car, where she likes to keep some reading material. Before long, she looked and found it covered with uncountable disgusting worms. There was no choice, none whatsoever, but to throw it into the trash can. Best place for it, I say.

All the best,

Question Answered by

Dear Michael:

Smile David Icke likes to call himself "the most controversial speaker in the world." He is not. Rather, Icke is the worlds most idiotic speaker. He is a complete loon.

Maybe the Holy Spirit was protecting your mother from Icke's icky and demonic notions.

We must pray for this man's soul.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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