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Kappa Sigma, a great fraternity John Monday, October 4, 2004


Gregory and Brother Ignatius,

I am a Catholic who went to a private catholic school for 9 years of my life and am religious. First of all Gregory... How dare you... *****...(and you know i mean it) you are a *****!

The Kappa Sigma Fraternity is not satanic, you are just an upset brother who can't deal with a fight between another brother. I don't know how it works at your chapter, but all are different. Secondly, you know you are an ***** and obviously someone who cannot ******.

Brother Ignatius, in my eyes, this man is more than a sinner, he is a ***** ***** ***** ***** **** ***** *****, because I am a Kappa Sigma brother and he does not know what he is talking about.

Kappa Sigma is the best thing that has ever happened to me and the greatest connection to my closest friends that I have. Greg, If that's what you got from the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, that we are satanic, I'd say you are ********** and I am sorry to call you a brother of mine, and I refuse to!

Brother Ignatius, I am not condemming you at all.. but I feel that you nor anyone else should not commend this man because there are obviously two sides to every story and me and thousands of other brothers would tell u differently about a place that we call home and a place that gives you more support than even a church sometimes would do.

So in conclusion, Greg, I am sorry that you were so mistaken about my fraternity and viewed it in your own *****-****** eyes, because we do not practice or worship or approve of anything related to the devil. So Greg, next time you want to speak about my fraternity in a bad manner... keep your mouth shut because obviously you completely and utterly misunderstood and misinterpreted what Kappa Sigma is about.... You are in the wrong hemisphere man, and i hope you stay there.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear John:

I published your message, John, editing out libelous comments and other comments that were too much out-of-line, for four reasons:

1) You did not give me your email address in order to respond privately;

2) To allow one final airing of frustration that you and your brothers have over the comments of Greg;

3) As an object lesson of how not to file a protest; and

4) to make one final appeal to Kappa Sigma to cooperate in resolving the controversy.

John, the other members of Kappa Sigma, while disagreeing with Greg's statements and my response to those statements, wrote to me with great cordiality and charity. Other than the fact that I received so many letters from Kappa Sigma members that I had to ask them to spread the word to stop, their demeanor in their letters was restrained and professional for the most part.

I think you need to rethink the way you are expressing yourself as it does not appear to me to be consistent with the style of your brothers in Kappa Sigma. The approach you have taken with comments that are actually libelous and other comments that are unnecessarily uncharitable to say the least does your fraternity a disservice and damages the reputation of Kappa Sigma far more than anything Greg said.

To the general public Greg can be seen as spewing sour-grapes perhaps. You, however, while perhaps understandably offended by Greg's remarks, are representing Kappa Sigma in your defense of the fraternity and thus need to do so with some decorum.

As I have mentioned in response to the many letters I have received from Kappa Sigma members, this controversy can be EASILY resolved and we can know for sure if Greg is correct or incorrect in his comments.

That easy resolution is to allow me, in a private and confidential way, to review your "secret" ceremonies. I will not reveal their content to anyone, but reviewing them can once-and-for-all resolve the controversy one way or another.

So far the members of Kappa Sigma who have contacted me have refused to allow this.

There is only one legitimate reason to hold these rites secret and that is to not spoil the meaning and impact of the rite on new initiates. Since I am not going to EVER be a candidate for membership in Kappa Sigma, there is no reason hide the material from me -- it is not going to spoil the initiation rites that I will never attend anyway -- as long as I agree to not reveal the content of the rites publicly which could ruin the experience for others.

It is this sort of motivation and attitude that is appropriately taken by the Knights of Columbus. From what I understand with them, it is not so much about secrecy, but about not spoiling the meaning and impact of the ceremony for new initiates. I might also add, that the "secret" ceremonies in the Knights of Columbus are never held secret to the bishop or the Church or other appropriate authorities, or to courts of law should a court demand the information.

Since there is a controversy going on, it would be prudent to have someone is knowledgeable about the issues to review the Kappa Sigma secret rites as long as the secrets themselves remain confidential. Unless the reason for the "secrets" are improper, there is no reason to refuse this solution. In fact, for Sigma Kappa to refuse this would suggest that there is something to hide. As Woodrew Wilson remarked, "Corruption flourishes in secret places".

Since in my own research I have found circumstantial evidence of a potentially problematic nature, and since Kappa Sigma refuses to offer any evidence to clear-up the situation, I have no choice but to offer an opinion of caution to people who may be considering joining Kappa Sigma (or any other similar fraternity).

Until such time as Kappa Sigma is cooperative to provide the evidence needed to resolve this controversy, this subject is now and forever banned from these Q&A's.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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