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RE:Negativity and Physical Illness Crystal Friday, September 2, 2011


Dear Brother,
Thank you so much for answering my question, I really appreciate it.

However, I need to explain more in detail about the persons described in my original question.

The woman who practices Wicca, is a co-worker and casual acquaintance of one of my family members. My family member is not into Wicca at all and disapproves of the practice. But, because my family member tries to get along with others, she has befriended this woman and has also discussed Our Lord with her, but the woman refuses to listen and because of the woman's personality; my family member has distanced herself from this lady.

You mentioned about receiving food from such individuals who are into negative spiritual activities. I did eat some cup cakes, as well as my family member that this woman made but it was at a party whereas many people had eaten them and nothing seems to have occurred physically or spiritually with any of us.

In regards to the young man who was into Santeria, he confessed that he wanted to date me. However, I was not interested and told him I would prefer to remain platonic friends. He became very sarcastic after this and I disassociated myself from him. Afterwards I noticed changes within my health and my finances. As because of some of the medical conditions I currently have, it is preventing me from working and I had applied for Disability and was denied.

I've had numerous medical test done, and each and every one of them comes back normal which makes me feel that my ailments and misfortunes could be of a curse.

As for my former co-worker, she was a very jealous woman and although she was Catholic; she was into New Age practices and being that she was of Portuguese heritage, she believed in certain folklore. As I mentioned, she and I had a disagreement but resolved our differences, however shortly after I developed Acid Reflux.

I do have certain items belonging to both of these people. As I have a photo of my former co-worker with other co-workers and the young man who was into Santeria gave me 2 Saint statues; one of St. Michael and one of St. Clara. I want to get rid of these items, but in regards to the statues because they are of a religious nature, I don't know if I should break them.

Can I dispose of them by doing the procedure mentioned on this site, by using Holy water, the prayer and discarding them into the garbage? As I don't want any remants of any of these people.

I will say the prayers you recommended and if there is any other advice you can give me, I would appreciate it.

Also because I am new to this site, could I send you a post in regards to this situation to let you know how I am doing?

Thank you so much Brother, for helping me as I really appreciate it.

God Bless!

Question Answered by

Dear Crystal:

Thanks for the clarification, but the response I made last time remains the same.

As for the issue of receiving food or gifts from these people, nothing may happen. It is just a precaution. The reason for this is that some witches or other occultist will attempt to cast spells in the form of a hex. This is done by adulterating food with some substance or using a cursed object presented to the victim.

Those in Santeria are more likely than many other occultist to cast spells and curses for revenge or when they don't get their way. Thus, I would not be surprised if this young man cursed you in some fashion when you rebuffed him. The prayer I mentioned before about breaking spells and curses should help in this regard.

The circumstance of the acid reflux is most probably just a coincidence, but who knows. New Agers in general are not into casting spells and curses. It is the more deeply the occultic types, such as some types of witches, Santeria, Voodoo, and other similar groups who are more likely to cast spells and curses.

Any items that you wish to destroy you should do so using the procedure we outline in our pamphlet entitled, Procedure to Destroy Occultic or Cursed Objects.

As an aside having nothing to do with cursed objects, whenever a blessed object can no longer be used one should never just throw away. The object should be dismantled or destroyed in some fashion so that it no longer resembles what it was, and then buried.

It is not necessary to keep us updated on your situation, but if you wish to do so then I recommend that you join the Chew the Rag Café, link below. Once you are a member of the Chew the Rag Café you can then join the Spiritual Warfare Conference. It is there that you can talk about your experiences.

We will be praying for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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