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Questions about the exorcist files program Omar Monday, October 10, 2011


Hello Brother,

I just finished watching the first episode of the new "Exorcist Files" program on the Discovery Channel. I know that in another post on here you said that the program did fairly well in explaining things from the church's perspective. I have a few questions:

1. In one episode, a girl suffering from infestation lit a holy candle and prayed to God, asking him to send a Holy Angel into her to guide her. She said that as soon as she lit the candle and began the prayer, she felt the same evil presence in her house enter her room at that minute. Then, while she was praying, (her prayer was obviously wrong,) she said she felt the evil enter her. Am I not remembering correctly that only God can hear our prayers when we enter into prayer with him? That being the case, why did this woman feel the evil thing enter her when she asked God to send one of the holy angels to enter her?

2. The Catholic psychologist being interviewed for the show seems to work closely with one or more priests on infestation/exorcism cases. He said something along the lines that sometimes, they are unable to completely rid the place of the demons, and a "truce" is more or less reached between good and evil. This seems to be similar to something that Father Amorth said in his book "An Exorcist Tells His Story." Fr. Amorth said something along the lines that some places are so negatively infested, that it is pointless to try and rid the places of the infestation. How and why should this be pointless/fruitless if good is stronger than evil?

Sorry about the lengthy question, but I look forward to your response. God bless you and your ministry.

Question Answered by

Dear Omar:

Demons will always exploit even the slightest mistake that we make. While this woman was well-intentioned she did make a mistake, a serious mistake. Angels of God do not possess people, they do not come into people. She asked for an angel to come into her. That mistake will catch the demon's attention because it is not a valid prayer to God. In the Bible we have an inkling of this in the Book of James (4:3): "You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly..."

The woman they got get what she asked because she asked wrongly. That gives the devil an opportunity.

On your second question, it is true that some infested places cannot be cleansed. It is also true that even Solemn Exorcism is not a guarantee that the person will be free from demons. There are some people who are never delivered, or at least not completely delivered.

These realities do not imply any weakness on God's part, of course. God's power is absolute and evil cannot withstand it for even a second. There is simply no contest between God and the devil. Any weaknesses or failures in trying to cleanse house of demons, or in attempting exorcism, will in trying to deliver someone is solely ours. The reason why God may not step up to fill the gaps in our own weakness is only known by Him.

Sometimes God does not deliver someone because he wants them to learn a lesson first, or because the affliction is in their best interest. This is the case with St. Paul who had a thorn in his side, which was a demon, that he prayed to God three times to take away. God said no three times. As the Scripture tells us, God allowed St. Paul to be harassed in order to keep him humble.

Because there is no guarantees it is important for us to abandon ourselves, to resign ourselves to God's will no matter what that will may be — even if it means the house is not cleared or a person is not delivered.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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