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Evil presence in home now vacant Marie Sunday, October 23, 2011


Dear Brother Ignatius Mary,

The infested property referenced in "Archdiocese requirements", is now vacant. Three days ago "it" was proud enough to act further (object manipulation/unnatural cause) providing confirmation of a continued presence (two locations of foul odors) after blessing of a Catholic Priest in the home.

The entry of the evil presence is not yet clear. Initial indication of a presence was 20 years ago when the home owner ownership with an incident of object manipulation. This was written off as unexplained, and witnessed by the owner. Perhaps the ignorance at the time gave it the ok to stay? The owner was told only by guests in later years that they saw or felt something not of God. The owner summated a benign past human. Late last year it was brought to the owner's attention explicitly that a negative influence seems to be possible given the duration and nature of the behaviors of the inhabitants. From that point on it has made its presence known to the owner, myself, some and some guests. God had a reason to allow its reveal after all of those years.

The history of the ownerships has shed question of duration. The activities by the inhabitants over a 20 year span encompass an array of acts that open doors and a far greater menu of demonic sins committed in ignorance; They will never believe the demonic aspects, and likely carry attachments. They belittled the owner when they were told of evil manifestations. Not one Commandment has been scathed, Some in repetitive ignorance. None of us are free from sin; We need to ask God for forgiveness. Knowing that no one is perfectly free of sin, how can anyone be in a perfected state of grace?

The home seemed clear right after the blessing. The home is vacant from occupancy, but the previous occupants go back and forth there for various stored possessions. Only the owner and non-inhabitant guests have had direct witness to manifestations. “It” has been strategically cunning in hiding. Can visitation to the location energize this thing? Is there a strategy for parties to which it manifests, or whom God permits to witness? On one occasion which I had been present, I experienced seemingly benign manifestations that did not frighten me, yet others present experienced audibles that would disturb me. Do you have an explanation for this?

I had a shrine to the Blessed Mother in childhood. She had always given me comfort and a few experiences to solidify that She is real. I have been emotionally and physically attacked since childhood by individuals lost in the unloving depths of darkness, and tempted to join them. Why, I do not know. I have it ingrained to offer my suffering for souls in purgatory. Despite the hurt, I am still a loving person and want to help others. My body is frail, but my Guardian angels outweigh what I lack in physical strength. The reveal of the unseen world and the reality of its existence has placed me in a direct line of Theological fire between the owner and the demonic. I am not a Theologian and the obstacles are tremendous. The conflicts and challenge is weighing on me.

The owner asks: If the home is rented to an innocent family, will they be subjected to the evil there?

We also suspect that the severity of family demise in the adjacent homes may indicate a land based evil, possible portal. Is there such a thing as old embedded demons that are more difficult to deal with? Is the cunning, quite, but successful influential nature of demonics an indicator of any kind?

I am not familiar with the title, “Brother”. There is an insignia for approved Catholic media, is this the “Semper Fidelis”?

Do you have sources for assistance in various states? I prefer not to reveal in depth information nor our location on the website. The directives on warfare are to utilize the site, so private email has not been sent to you. (I do not want to break any rules.) The owner is aware of your offer over the phone. I have concerns of ignorance or subsequent ramifications of taking action without council first. I was told that Deliverance can bring in new demons, and what of there is a portal?

Sincerest appreciation…Marie

Question Answered by

Dear Marie:

You said: "None of us are free from sin; We need to ask God for forgiveness. Knowing that no one is perfectly free of sin, how can anyone be in a perfected state of grace?"

It is not exactly true that we cannot be free from sin, depending on what you mean by that. No human being, except Jesus and Mary, are free from concupiscence, that is the tendency to sin. We are free from sin, however, any time we are a State of Grace. When come out of the confessional after making a good confession we are in a State of Grace and there is no sin in us until the next time we sin.

In dealing with demons we do not have to be sinless, that is never to sin, but we need to be in a State of Grace. If we fall into sin then we can immediately make a Perfect Act of Contrition which will restore us to a State of Grace immediately. In making that Perfect Act of Contrition we make a promise to go to the Sacrament of Confession and the earliest opportunity. The point is that one does not need to be in a state of sin for any length of time. God is loving and merciful and he gives us a way to be restored to his friendship almost immediately.

You said, "Can visitation to the location energize this thing? Is there a strategy for parties to which it manifests, or whom God permits to witness? On one occasion which I had been present, I experienced seemingly benign manifestations that did not frighten me, yet others present experienced audibles that would disturb me. Do you have an explanation for this?"

I am not sure what you mean by "energize". Demons do not need to be energized by us or by anything in the material world in order to manifest.

A strategy to deal with a house that is infested when one must visit to pick-up belongings and such is to pray. Praying a Rosary is good. Praying the Hedge of Protection for Oneself found in our Spiritual Warfare Catalog linked below would certainly be recommended.

In terms of cleansing the house of this presence I would recommend the House Cleansing and Blessing that is in our Spiritual Warfare Catalog. That blessing form contains a threefold blessing ritual from the 17th century and is specifically designed to rid a house of demons. A priest can pray that ritual. The owner of the house should do it if a priest does not, or I can lead the owner through the ritual over the phone.

You said, "On one occasion which I had been present, I experienced seemingly benign manifestations that did not frighten me, yet others present experienced audibles that would disturb me. Do you have an explanation for this?"

Demons will harass and attack a person according to that person's personality and vulnerabilities. Thus, the manifestation that frightens one person may not frighten another.

You said, "The reveal of the unseen world and the reality of its existence has placed me in a direct line of Theological fire between the owner and the demonic. I am not a Theologian and the obstacles are tremendous. The conflicts and challenge is weighing on me."

The reason for this "weight" you are experiencing is because you should not be between the owner and the demonic. You are not qualified to be in that position, thus you need to withdraw.

You said, "The owner asks: If the home is rented to an innocent family, will they be subjected to the evil there?" It was

If the house is infested with demons then those demons may choose to harass or attack whomever they please. If the owner rents the house to someone, they may experience demonic manifestations or not. It depends on what the demons want to do.

You said, "We also suspect that the severity of family demise in the adjacent homes may indicate a land based evil, possible portal. Is there such a thing as old embedded demons that are more difficult to deal with? Is the cunning, quite, but successful influential nature of demonics an indicator of any kind?"

This is an example by what I mean by not qualified. People tend to get their ideas about how to do these things from watching too many ghost investigation shows. We need to keep in mind that those so-called paranormal investigation shows are a bunch of bunk. What they do and how they do it is extremely dangerous. Their working theories about paranormal are mostly blatantly wrong. No one should be watching those shows.

There is no such thing as a "portal." There is no door or portal that demons must go through in order to manifest in this world. As for demons who are intransigent, the relative strength to resist is based on who the particular demon is and why he is there. The Church prohibits us from asking for a demon's name or to ask why he is here.

If the owner wishes my counsel he should contact me directly.

I remind you again, do not be between the owner and the demons. You need to withdraw from that position. You are neither qualified to deal with the demons or to investigate the phenomena. To do those things safely requires specific training.

As far as the title, "brother", is concerned, it is a common title that an that any Catholic should know. It is the title of a man who is consecrated through what is called the evangelical counsels — the vows of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience. A Brother is a monk, Friar, or Hermit. I am a hermit-friar with the Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael. The female equivalent is "Sister".

There is no special symbol for "approved" media. I do not know what you are referring to there.

It is very difficult to make referrals to qualified people around the country. For one thing there are very few people who are qualified an those are generally do not advertise their presence. We are trying to gather an Index of Referrals when we happen to find out about some qualified person. In most cases, the names on he Index of Referrals will be confidential in terms of releases those names to the general public.

As for our agency, the St. Padre Pio Center for Deliverance Counseling, we help clients from all over the world. In most cases we can help over the telephone. Thus, as long as our client has a telephone, a computer with a printer, and access to the Internet we can offer assistance and consultation no matter where the person lives in the world. It is only in the most severe cases that we do a face-to-face deliverance when we have the funds for the travel.

You'll notice that I did not answer all your questions or did not answer them as fully as I could have. That is because such information about the details of how to do deliverance or investigation is something the general public does not need to know. If we give too many details then some people will be tempted to attempt deliverance in which, since they have not been trained, they may harm themselves and/or their clients.

If the owner of this house needs assistance or consultation please let him know that he is free to contact me directly by using our Contact Form.

We will be in prayer for this house owner and for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.