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Wearing or display of The Rosary Beads Marie Sunday, October 30, 2011


Dear Brother Ingatious Mary,

My Catholic Grammer School memories embedded the wearing or hanging of Rosary beads as sacrilegious. I have had devotion to The Blessed Mother since very early childhood. The Rosary is of very signficant meaning to me and I always have them in my purse and others in my residence. They are a constant reminder of Her provisions of comfort, loving spiritual protection, and an event at around age 7 that She hears me.

When I was unaware of an evil presence in the home previosly addressed, I had the need to have them against my heart and wore them around my neck tucked inside of my garments not to appear that I was disrespecting them.

I have St. Michael in my vehicle, but I have always wanted to display the rosary as well for the spiritual benefit and assurance of Her protection that it provides to me. It feels like a shield around my being, and an embracement of Her love. I have not done so due because I would never want to be disrespectful to Her. (If a building adornment was made of the Rosary, I would have my residence encompassed with it.) Is it sacrilegious to display the rosaries?

A parish priest blessed my purse and a bag containing items that I needed blessed. He said it was not necessary to remove them. Some articles from that blessing were placed in the infested home; I want to be certain that it was a sufficient blessing.

If a house itself was blessed, are the religious items contained in the home blessed as well? Is there any reason to have something previosuly blessed, blessed again?

Would you clarify what blessed salt is? We need to obtain it.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Marie:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a Rosary, hanging a rosary on the wall or in your car. This is no different than wearing or hanging a necklace with a medal on it.

If the intention of the Priest is to bless religious items in the house, when he blesses the house, then I believe those items are blessed at the same time.

There is no reason to have an item blessed again, under normal circumstances, unless the item has been defiled or corrupted in some way. A house may be blessed several times because demonic entities will not leave right away.

Blessed Salt that been blessed in a similar way as Holy Water. In fact, the blessing of water includes a pinch of Holy Salt. Salt is a simple of purity and purification. The use of Holy Salt is similar to the use of Holy Water.

Sea Salt is best to use, but any salt will do. You can ask your priest to bless some salt for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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