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What is going on? Mary Sunday, November 6, 2011


I have had experiences ever since I can remember, even as a very young child. I have seen apparitions, heard noises, smelled perfume while alone (when ordered away, the smell vanished), experienced touches (on my back, arms, hair), and have what I can only call super-intuition which is amazing accurate when I experience it.

When awakened at night by touches or voices in my ears, I ask Jesus for help, tell the whisperer or toucher I will pray for their soul, and through Christ to go to the foot of the Cross, and do whatever Jesus tells them. I have prayed the hedge prayer as well as praying other prayers which are appropriate. I have renounced anything -inclusive of the above listed experiences-not of God.

I cannot will any phenomena, and have never sought any "powers". Interestingly, nothing I "find out" is of any use to me personally. Most often, my intuitions are only helpful to other people. I have never done "ghost hunts" because I think that actively pursuing these activities in the final analysis is simply falling for a trick meant to separate us from God.

Here are my questions: How can I discern the origin of the phenomena I have always experienced, and what do I do about them? I am writing to you because the sporadic and randomly occurring nature of these abilities is becoming more frequent. I am a lifelong, observant Catholic with many grown children (and some grands). I did have an aunt whose journals (discovered after her death) described her experiences with entities which she seemed to seek out. I have no time frame for my aunt's activities. I have had one experience where I experienced what I can only call a forcible attack by something powerful and evil which was repelled by calling on Christ Jesus, and has not been repeated.

Thanks for even reading this book!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Mary:

There does exist people who are called "sensitives." Father Amorth, an exorcist in Rome, talks about how genuine sensitives may useful in spiritual warfare. He does give a warning that most people who consider themselves sensitives are not.

Some of the characteristics of a genuine sensitive is a person who is very prayerful, humble not only in general but specifically in terms of their gift, and does not tire from the exercise of their gift.

For those who are sensitives, and for those who are experiencing what you are calling super-intuition, the ways to discern the validity of the experience include:

  • all information received or perceived must be 100% in concert with Church Teaching. Any variance or contradiction of Church Teaching means that the source is not coming from God. 
  • The information of these "intuitions" must be substantive and helpful to other people. If the information gained is of the type that would be typical of psychics or parlor games the gift is not likely genuine.
  • The experience must be one in which God is in control, not the person. The gift is manifest by God, not the person, when it is needed.
  • Alleged gifts or "powers" that are sought after are unlikely to be from God. If one seeks such experience they often will get it, but it's source will not be from God.
  • The gift should give one peace and not fear or trepidation
  • Gifts from God are not forced upon anyone. If a person does not want gift and asks God to take it away, then God will show the person that He wishes to give the gift, but He will not force it upon the person, and will take the gift away.

In recalling my own story of how I came to accept God's call into a deliverance apostolate there was an issue about whether or not I would accept a call.

In the early 80s I fell away from God entirely and found myself in the New Age and on some levels of the occult. In 1985 I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth one morning and when I looked in the mirror I could not see my eyeballs. In place of my eyes were to black holes. I say black, but this was blacker than black, this was the darkness of the abyss.

God was showing me the state of my soul, which at that time was dead, and a vision of the hell that I was going to if I did not repent. This experience caught my attention. At that moment I said, "this must stop." That is, I must stop my sojourn into the New Age and the occult and return to God. I became the prodigal son coming home. By 1987 I was fully back in the church (Protestant church). [I converted to the Catholic Church in 1992]

Later in 1987, I began to get a call from God to go into a deliverance ministry. Since only a few years ago I almost lost my life and I did lose my soul for a while I was not anxious to accept this call. Thus, I looked up to the heavens and I said, "forget you Lord, I am not going to do this."

The very next day a couple and the wife's sister moved into the apartment next to mine. The sister came knocking on my door. When I open the door I immediately perceived that she was demonized and needed help.

God was essentially saying, "okay, if you're going to say no to me I will not force you, but I will put a hurting soul on your doorstep and see what you will do."

What was I to do? I could either be cruel and shut the door and the girl's face, or I could be the good Samaritan and help her. She became my first professional case and I've been doing deliverance ever sense without any doubt of God's call for me to participate in a deliverance apostolate. If it is truly God's will and His calling, then he will make this clear to you in some way to which there is no lack of clarity.

if God has given you a gift then it is to be used for His glory and for the help of his children.

You should pray daily that your experiences will be only those which God gives you and that the devil will not try to counterfeit these gifts to trick you. The Hedge Prayer Protection found in our Spiritual Warfare Catalog linked belowshould be prayed. You should always be prayerful and never presume that Satan cannot trick you. Stay close to God and his Church.

There are three specific things that I would recommend to you:

1) Read the book, Seeking Spiritual Direction: How to Grow the Divine Life Within, by Father Thomas Dubay. This book explains why spiritual direction is and is not, what to expect in spiritual direction, and what do you find spiritual director.

2) Find a spiritual director. With these sorts of subjective experiences it is very easy to misinterpret them or to be tricked by the devil. Thus, anyone with any kind of experience as this should have a spiritual director who can help you discern and interpret your gift.

3) Read the book, A Still, Small Voice: A Practical Guide on Reported Revelations by Father Benedict J. Groeschel. This book discusses the various forms of private revelation, which is what you are experiencing, and how to discern those experiences. I highly recommend this book to anyone who feels like they have any type of mystical experiences and private revelations.

In all things be prayerful, never presume, always follow God's direction, and remain faithful and close to His Church.

I hope these words are helpful to you, but I cannot stress more the need for you to find a spiritual director.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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