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is yoga's effects related to alienation from The Lord Pia Sunday, December 11, 2011


Thank you too brother , for your site and prayers .

You are right about the promotion of yoga in many medical centers ; may be not to be surprised , since many in the health care field could be gulity of sins against life , by prescribing contraceptives , not opposing other sins against life etc .

There was mention of how , in a conference of 300 + doctors , by a well known entity about health care for teens , only various forms of contraception were mentioned - with no mention of the well known and long term ill effects from same or how to promote chastity and no one objected !

Could it be that yoga tends to keep persons somehow numb in the awareness of the inner brokenness ( which is a gift of the Holy Spirit , leading to trusting repentance in the Lord's mercy ) and from taking all areas of life , with trusting love to Him , pleading for mercy on behalf of whatever /whoever can be the reason , thus all such occasions becoming occasions for deeper union with The Lord , in His Passion !

Thus, it could be like a silent cancer which keeps one blind from good preventive and early care of the soul , of areas such as unforgiveness , pride etc :

Look forward to hearing from you !
God Bless !

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Pia:

Anytime we venture off the path, the narrow road, of Christ, we endanger ourselves. We risk contamination that may blind us to God's grace and God's teachings. With Yoga, there is a direct spiritual element as Yoga is a spiritual exercise. Even if the person does not delve into Hindu spirituality, the very postures of Yoga cannot be divorced from Hindu spirituality and cosmology. That is not my opinion, but the opinion of Yoga masters in India.

There is a cancer in the Church. The cancer of, what can collectively be called, the New Age. There are religious orders, retreat centers, and 100s of parishes who have now adopted New Age ideas and allow the practice of the New Age.

Yoga, and all activities and philosophies like it, seduce the person into areas that no Christian should enter. The Seducer is Satan.

We need to stay close to Mother Church for protection. If we stray we are vulnerable to the wolf.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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