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Demonic presence in home follow-up Jeremy Thursday, December 15, 2011


Dear Brother Mary,

This post is in regards to my previous post "demonic presence tormenting my 2 year-old son" from October 28th, 2010.

After a conversation that we had on the phone shortly after the post, we followed your advice, including the "Sleep Sound In Jesus" lullaby CD. Eventually, we stopped having issues in our home. Thank you so much for your sound advice on this matter.

But one question that had previously gone unanswered was "Why was all of this happening in our house, to our son?" Until recently, we could not put our finger on any specific reason.

Last week, through a mutual friend, I found out that the previous owner (after assuring me nothing went on in this house) frequently played with ouija boards in the house, and even conducted more than one seance here. This helps explain a lot, but where do we go from here?

We've had little or no issues in the house for months, but does previous dabbling with the demonic in the house mean that this is a problem that will continue to resurface?

I've also read a lot on familiar spirits, that introduce themselves to a child, and then continue to return throughout their life, attempting to get the person to do evil things. Is this true? I would appreciate your opinion on this matter. Thank you.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Jeremy:

I praise God that these issues have been resolved. As to why this happened, one can go nuts trying to figure that out. Evil is oftentimes arbitrary — there is no reason.

In your case, if there were people who lived previously in the house dabbling in the occult, it is possible that there dabbling left a demon attached to the house.

What I suggest now is to contact your parish priest and ask him to Bless the house. That should tie up any spiritual lose ends.

Should problems start up again, there may be a need for a more intense house blessing found in our Spiritual Warfare Catalog linked below.

As for your question about demons and children. It is not uncommon for children to have an "invisible friend". Most of the time this "friend" is the product of the child's imagination. Other times the invisible friend can be the child's Guardian Angel. Then sometimes the invisible friend may be a demon. My very first case of deliverance was a woman who had a demon with her that was her childhood "invisible friend."

In the case of a demonic "friend", sooner or later, the child will be frightened. Demons can masquerade as a "friend" but they cannot keep up that charade for long.

Anyway, praise God that your problems have been resolved.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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