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follow up with links to stretches Angela Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Dear Brother Ignatius,

Thank you for answering my previous question about yoga poses vs. stretches. When I originally posted the question, the form on your website would not allow me to include the links. I am going to try to include them now:

The general link to the back stretches from the Mayo Clinic:

The specific stretches I had questions about--your website won't allow me to post the direct links because they have html code embedded in them:

The Bridge stretch (called the same thing in yoga classes):
(which is slide 5 on the Mayo Clinic site)

The cat stretch (called the same thing in yoga classes):
(which is slide 6 on the Mayo Clinic site)

My confusion stems from the fact that these stretches are called the same thing, whether they are taught in a yoga class or shown on a well-respected medical website, like the Mayo Clinic, in what is clearly a non-spiritual context. That's why I was having a hard time figuring out what made them problematic in one context and not another.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas,


Question Answered by

Dear Angela:

Merry Christmas.

Yes, I linked the Mayo Clinic page of those exercises and said they are okay in a previous post.

I think I now get it as to what the confusion is. These stretching exercises are not part of yoga, even though yoga classes may use them to warm up. There are only so many ways to warm up the muscles before exercises.

Some of the exercises on the Mayo Clinic site were used when I was in Boot Camp. This was back during Vietnam and I can tell you that the military would not have use yoga back then. In fact, if a training instructor caught someone doing yoga he would problem rip the guy a new orifice and ridicule him as a sissy.

The warming exercises, such as those at the Mayo Clinic, even those similar or the same as the warming exercises to prepare to do yoga, are fine. These warming exercises are not yoga.

I hope this helps.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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