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Spirits of the Times Ryan Friday, February 17, 2012


Brother, I really think there is something insanely spiritual going on behind this whole contraceptive mandate on the behalf of the Obama Administration. My question is, are there demons who sometimes band together in charge of major endeavors designed to blaspheme God through perverting His plan of sexuality on a mass scale, as well as basic human rights of freedom of conscience?

I'm asking this because it is shocking how many people are in cahoots with this agenda, and how many people no matter how many ways you explain it is a violation of the First Amendment, they continue to rationalize away that it isn't and that we're actually the tyrants. It's such a blinding force that sometimes I think this can only be spiritual.

The attacks of the Administration on virtually every nook and cranny of the moral fabric of society are disgusting, but what is more disgusting is how evil people are becoming in unison with this agenda and some of the disgusting and vile slanders against the Church and Her members that I hear constantly. It's an unnatural hatred for something not even understood properly.

I figure Satan loves attacking natural rights and natural law, and is seizing this opportunity to conduct a gargantuan revolution of thought vastly dangerous to the sustenance of Christian civilization, whatever elements of it are left. Our departure from the values of the Declaration and Constitution is truly frightening. Calling contraception preventative health care? How did we get to the point where we started calling pregnancy a health problem??

It really is a force of sorts. From a spiritual warfare perspective, would you be able to explain some of the intricacies of this seemingly Orwellian mass-brainwash into a culture of hedonism and anti-Constitutionalism? I suspect intense demonic activity behind it in some degree or another.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Ryan:

I guess the devil did not like my answer. I answered this question and then it disappeared, so I am typing it again.

In order for the anti-Christ to come to power (whether he be a person or a regime) the types of activities we are seeing in the Obama regime must take place. I think that Obama is a precursor to the anti-Christ, but not the anti-Christ himself. Obama and his army of progressives are preparing the way.  

In order for the anti-Christ to accomplish what Scripture predict the populace of the world has to let him do it. Obama and the progressives are getting us use to the way things will be when conditions are right for the anti-Christ to come to power.

By the end of this century, that is, in 3-4 generations people will no longer remember what it was like before the progressives came to power. They will be use to the Brave New World and this that the ways things are is normal. You and me could never be convinced of that, but future generations will grow up knowing nothing else.

I already see the influence of this anti-Christ economy in my own children, who are in their 30s. My grandkids will be even more indoctrinated. I great-grandkids will knowing nothing of the liberty that use to be America.

Yes, the devil is smack in the middle of this, the devil is promoting it. He has to promote it because his prodigy, the Anti-Christ will come to power, he must come to power because that is part of God's Salvation History.

This will happen because God has ordained it. The struggle is to evangelize people, educate people, catechize people to not be a part of it for the sake of their own souls.

This will come, and Satan is trying to take as many souls as possible with him when he and the Anti-Christ are ultimately defeated and throw in to the pit of hell for all eternity.

We have a critical task—to secure our own souls and to help as many other souls as possible to see the light of Truth and not be caught in the web of deception that is Anti-Christ when he comes, and as Obama is now.

We can see a huge veil of darkness descending upon our entire nation. People need to wake up.

This song below is not coming from a religious base; it is coming from a political base. Nevertheless, the spirit of this song is the same spirit for the religious events that are on the horizon.



Christians are coming into more and more persecution all over the world. If I had someone or a group of someones financially sponsor it, I would be on a plane tomorrow for Pakistan to join my friends in the Christian peace movement there. I do not care about my health, I would do it anyway. My health would be the least of my worries anyway if going over there. The chances of martyrdom would be high. That does not bother me a bit.

God Bless America,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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