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re:Spirit of the Times Patrick Saturday, February 18, 2012



I appreciate your straight answer regarding the question that the previous post had. Indeed, this contraception and birth control mandate disguised as 'womens rights' is the beginning of the climax for a dangerous time in our spirituality.

My question, is when we are forced to start abiding by it. Is it now? When does this start? Personally, I feel inclined to cancel my HC insurance for me and my entire family when that time comes. But then on the other side, is it ialso morally rresponsible of me to do so should any of them get sick?

I agree with you, these are the type of tests we as Catholics will experience from now on. Are we in or out? No more 'on the fence bull-o-nee'.

Isn't this a type of pre-cursor test to that which is propesized in Revelation? In which we are to take the mark of the beast on our hands or foreheads in order to be allowed to buy or sell goods? The government is forcing us to buy health insurance - or else. Not quite the same as what is prophesized in Revelation but it has it's strange similarites. Have we ever been faced with something like this before? Bad things are on the way, that's for certain.

I certainly don't know what to do in this situation but although I dont know if cancelling my health care is the right answer, I feel as I must resist in some way. By at least questioning my employers or others who say I need to buy it - or by sending letters to my congressmen and women indicating I will vote straight Pro-Life. And of course lots of prayer.

Not sure what the right thing to do is. If it was just me, I think I would refuse to comply - and face the consequences.As practicing Catholic, not sure what is the right thing to do. Or, whether our leaders in the Church will let us know.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Patrick:

I am afraid I do not understand you: "forced to start abiding by it?" Abiding by what? What do you mean by "When does this start?" When does what start?

If you are talking about the end days, the end days began in A.D. 33 when Christ was crucified and then resurrected.

If you are talking about the immediate days before the Second Coming, no one can really know that. Jesus said look for the signs, but most of the signs we see today, the First Century Christians saw in their day. That is one reason why they thought the Second Coming would happen in their lifetimes.

My analysis was a practical one on the issue of what conditions would be necessary for an "antiChrist" to take over the world. I think the time will be ripe for that by the end of this century. But, this does not mean the Second Coming will be by the end of this century, only that the conditions will be ripe for an antiChrist takeover.

No one know the time of the Second Coming. Even if the conditions are ripe by the end of this century, the Second Coming could be 100s of years in the future, or even 1000s of years.

For example, while the time may be ripe by the end of the century, I believe, there may exist a revival, and then another period like we have now, then a revival, going on with this cycle for 1000s of years before the Second Coming. So, do not go selling your possessions and moving into the mountains yet.

Even if the Second Coming is to take place in this decade, we are not to go running, hording food and supplies, cancelling health insurance, etc. We are to live normally, but we are also to live our lives as if this day will be our last day. Be not afraid.

There is very little happening today that is similar to the prophecies in Revelation where we can say there is a direct correlation. That is yet to come.

Canceling your insurance would be foolish. Advocating the truth, however, should always be done. Advocating the truth can be done by letters-to-the-editor, publishing articles, Pro-Life rallies, voting against pro-abortion candidates, etc.

The war is won, Patrick. The devil was defeated on the Cross. But, there are many individual battles to be won.

As I said in the last post:

We have a critical task—to secure our own souls and to help as many other souls as possible to see the light of Truth and not be caught in the web of deception that is Anti-Christ when he comes, and as Obama is now.

Yes, the devil is smack in the middle of this, the devil is promoting it. He has to promote it because his prodigy, the Anti-Christ will come to power, he must come to power because that is part of God's Salvation History.

This will happen because God has ordained it. The struggle is to evangelize people, educate people, catechize people to not be a part of it for the sake of their own souls.

This will come, and Satan is trying to take as many souls as possible with him when he and the Anti-Christ are ultimately defeated and throw in to the pit of hell for all eternity.

As for laws that are passed, or regulations promulgated, we are to follow divine and moral law. If civil law contradicts divine or moral law, then we should side with divine/moral law. But, we must be willing to accept the consequences of defying civil law — fines, prison, or death.

But, keep in mind, this drastic action applies only to situations in which the government is asking you to renounce the faith, or asking you to objectively sin (e.g., recommend contraception, abortion, euthanasia, etc). The rest is up to your personal conscience.

Do not cancel your insurance.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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