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Voodoo Doll Toy Susan Sunday, April 1, 2012


Dear Brother,

A colleague of mine who joined our department recently has in her office a voodoo doll toy. She belongs to a different religion. I have no idea if she practices it or she has kept it for fun. Should I be concerned? Should I avoid her and to what extent? Can she use the doll, to help herself in getting promotions, raise etc.? Why I ask is because she with the least qualification entered our specialized department where the staffs all have the best qualifications!!! After few months, she got a raise in her salary while many deserving did not receive. After she joined our department, two friends have become now sworn enemies!! What should I do?


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Daer Susan:

There is an old maxim: "Correlation does not equal causation."

You have described a correlation between voodoo practices and pay raises and discord in the office. This correlation does not mean that one caused the other. There can be other explanations.

As for voodoo, like any such belief, the spells cast are mostly ineffective, or even backfire and effect the spell-caster instead of the intended victim. Even spells for, let's say, to get a raise in pay, can backfire. Satan treats his own very badly.

With that said, it is possible that she is casting spells (soliciting Satan) to help her in her career. That demonic presence can cause discord in the office as a side-effect, or because she has asked Satan to harass those co-workers.

I do not think it wise to strike up a friendship with this person.

In our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, linked below, there is a section at the bottom called, Prayers for the Professional. I would recommend praying the prayers under the sub-sections, Prayers to Prepare for Work and Prayers for Personal Protection of Self and Family.

For this voodoo person, I recommend you pray, Prayer for the Non-Christian.

You might also bless the entire office with Holy Water, if this can be done without anyone seeing. You can certainly bless your own office, or desk or cubicle.

In what is called guerrilla spiritual warfare, I would do a quick sprinkle with Holy Water into the voodoo lady's office when no one is looking. Just shake the Holy Water bottle quickly through the door of her office. This can be done as often as you have the chance. Be sure that you are in position to do this without anyone finding out; perhaps coming early to work, or staying a few minutes after work. This is important as for anyone to find out could cause you a lot of trouble.

When I worked at a print shop I did this guerrilla spiritual warfare on materials brought in by Planned Parenthood. First I refused to do the order, someone else had to run the order. But, when I saw the order ready to be picked up, I first said a spiritual warfare prayer over the the material.

These are the sorts of things we can do in a situation as you describe.

We will be praying for you, your co-workers, and for this voodoo lady.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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