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Re: Black Dog Red Eyes Edward Monday, May 14, 2012


The black dog by the bed is a common hallucination in elderly people who become dehydrated due to urinary infections or because they don't drink enough water to replace the fluids lost from the use of diuretics (water pills) to increase urination. The hallucinations disappear when the patient drinks enough water or is given enough fluids intravenously.

Since diabetes can cause excessive urination, it is possible that D's dughter may have been dehydrated and had the black dog hallucination as a result. D should ask the child's doctor about that possibility to rule out any natural causes for the event.

Question Answered by

Dear Edward:

There is the myth of the "Black Dog with Red Eyes" that is part of English folklore. I have not heard of any connection to dehydration. I certainly have never had this experience when I have been dehydrated due to my diabetes or any other cause. But, that does not mean others have not.

Can you find me medical resources for this phenomena? I would be very interested.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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