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Cosmic Christianity Mike Wednesday, June 20, 2012



Two questions:

1. What is Cosmic Christianity (I believe it is also referred to as "Esoteric Christianity")? Is it is some way related to "white magic"?

2. The Catholic Church condemns occultism and divination. What I always wondered was whether the Catholic Church believes that these practices are actually capable of achieving material effects? In other words, do things like black/white magic and divination actually "work" or are they dangerous simply because we are aligning our will with the will of the evil spirit, who has decieved us into thinking that these practices "work"?

Thanks Brother

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Mike:

1. "Cosmic Christianity" is a term used by some New Age lunatics and perverts who try to meld their New Age nonsense with Christian principles. All they have done is succeed in blaspheming God and making Satan a happy camper.

2. As to the question of whether or not black (or white) magic, curses, spells, and the like can actually work with material effects?  Yes.

We need to remember that spell and curses are anti-prayers. It is a prayer (petition) to Satan asking him to attack the intended target. Whether or not Satan actually attacks the intended target and at what intensity is up to Satan and how well protected the target may be. 

The devil hates his own, however, and thus oftentimes when a person casts a spell or curse nothing happens to the intended target, but the spell or curse boomerangs back on the caster.

Even if that does not happen, much of the time spells and curses fall on fallow ground thwarted by the ordinary graces and angelic protections granted to a devout Christian, without the Christian even knowing it.

Still of other times, spells and curses find their mark and reek havoc of whatever intensity upon an ill-equipped Christian, or non-Christian, or upon any person when God allows it for His purposes of teaching, molding, humbling, or any other reason that only God alone knows.

When we do fall prey to a spell or curse our response must be one of faith, knowing that God is more powerful than any spell or curse, and that God has a reason for allowing it in our lives. In that faith we have tools that God has given us to combat the attack. Those tools are first, the Sacraments of Confession and of the Eucharist, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, then the sacramentals given to us by the Church (Holy Water, blessed medals, etc.) along with prayer and devotions, and also specific spiritual warfare prayers like those listed in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, linked below.

On the question of divination working? No. Divination never works because no one but God knows the future. Demons can "appear" to know the future because they can see all variables in a person's life and make an educated guess, but it is only a guess. Demons can then pass on that guess to a psychic or through whoever or whatever the divining is facilitated. But, is is not a true knowledge of the future.

That guess can "seem" accurate because demons can see "all" variables, something for which humans can never do. Knowing all variables, along with an intelligence that outmatches Einstein by an infinite number of times, demons are adept in analyzing those variables can making remarkable guesses. But, demons, angels, humans, nor any other creature actually knows the future. This is a realm that belongs only to God.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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