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Abortion, suicide and Marriage A Sunday, June 24, 2012


I am deeply concerned with my status as a Human being. true enough I have sinned greatly that even if I confessed I am still haunted by my conscience.

I was a single mom before when I met my husband now (we were civilly wed). when we were younger we practiced premarital sex and it ended up into an unwanted pregnancy, I decided to keep the baby but my he won't let me continue it, afraid of being rejected and having another baby again outside marriage I accepted his idea of aborting the baby .. I really cried hard and I kept on hating myself for what I did... I don't know why for the second time around I submitted to his idea of aborting the second pregnancy I felt my life was doomed and I was so frustrated helpless and hopeless during those times I committed suicide to a number I couldn't count... and then the time came when I went to confession and reconciled myself to God I was given absolution from my very grave sins.. I married the same man but not in the Church. I was asking Him for a Sacrament of Matrimony but he said not now.. I am so confused I believe in my heart that I was not the person I am now.. I used to be very close to God when I was young. I miss the Sacrament of the Eucharist It's been 5 years since I last received communion. My husband belonged to a family of Non-Catholics he only had his Catholic baptism 3 years ago.. I really needed help I do't want to pressure him of marrying me in the church and I really don't know how to tell him we need to go to confession to reconcile ourselves fully to the Lord God.. Please help will God forgive me for the mess I made in my life?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear A:

God loves you, dear. When you confess your sins, no matter what they are, those sins are not only forgiven, but they are forgotten. The problem is you need to forgive yourself. Pride is the reason we cannot forgive ourselves. We think that God is not powerful enough to truly wipe away the filth of our sin. Take heart, God promises:

(1 John 1:9) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

This is God's promise and God does not lie, He keeps His promises. Here he promises to not only forgive us, but to cleanse us of the filth of sin. Thus, when you confess your sins you are cleaned, as well as forgiven.

Let go of the pride, and accept that God has cleansed you, as well as forgiven you, when we come to him in the Sacrament of Confession.

As for the suicidal thoughts, these must always be taken very seriously. Please seek out a good Catholic Counselor to help you. Plus, whenever you feel this at a given moment, call a Crisis Center. Also, rebuke the spirit of suicide that is found in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, linked below. In addition, most women are deeply wounded by an abortion, but there is help. I recommend that you checkout Project Rachael. This group specializes in helping women who have had abortions.


Now to the horse's patute of a husband. If he was baptized three years ago, he will be held accountable for his actions as a believer. To not regularize your marriage in the Church, means that he is spitting in God's face and deliberately sinning, gravely sinning, which means that he is in danger of hell and does not care. Worse, and most gravely, he desires to take you to hell with him.

This man is a coward and he does not love you. God tells us that love rejoices in righteousness. This man is reveling in unrighteousness. He murders his kids and now wants to murder your soul by preventing you from receiving the Sacraments. He hates his marriage so much that he would rather it be a sham-marriage than a God blessed Sacramental Marriage.

You need to immediately cease having sex with him as that is the grave sin of fornication (since you are invalidly married in the eyes of God). Tell him that you two need to regularize your marriage in the Church for the sake of your souls, and for the sake of love. Tell him that he needs to ask forgiveness for his insisting that your children be murdered, if he has not already done this. If he resists any of this for even one second, then leave him and seek a divorce. You can later petition the Church for an annulment (for which you have an excellent case).

Do not allow this man to destroy your soul. Either he shapes up, or his ships out. If he wishes to go to hell, do not go with him. No man is worth losing your soul.

We will most certainly be in prayer for you and this situation.

Never forget, dear, God loves you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.