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Read Me or Rue It(book) by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan Confused Monday, July 23, 2012


Dear Brother Ignatius Mary,

I would like to know if the book "Read Me or Rue It" is saved to read ? What i found is only approved by the Cardinal. On the below are what i found on the websites. Thank you. :

APPROVAL OF HIS EMINENCE THE CARDINAL PATRIARCH OF LISBON .Cardinal's Palace, Lisbon March 4, 1936 We approve and recommend with all our heart the beautiful little book Read Me or Rue It by E. D. M. [These initials used by Fr. O'Sullivan stand for Engant de Marie, that is, "Child of Mary" Ed.] Although small, it is destined to do great good among Catholics, many of whom are incredibly ignorant of the great doctrine of Purgatory. As a consequence, they do little or nothing to avoid it themselves and little to help the Poor Souls who are suffering there so intensely, waiting for the Masses and prayers which should be offered for them. It is our earnest desire that every Catholic should read this little book and spread it about as widely as possible.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Confused:

A small note: Next time, please use a real name when asking a question. Not a handle, nor initials, or some non-human name. It doesn't have to be your real first name, but it does need to be a human name. I like to speak to people, not to handles. Thanks.

As to your question, when it comes to books, the Holy See rarely gets involved. Imprimaturs for books are issued by bishops (and Cardinals) usually of the diocese in which the author resides.

Although I have not read this book, if it is written by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan and has the Cardinal's imprimatur it should be fine.

By the way, books are not required to have an imprimatur unless they are used in liturgy or as textbooks in Catholic schools. Thus, to see a book without an imprimatur does not make the book unsuitable. Also, even when a book does have an imprimatur, it only means that it is free from doctrinal error. It does not means that the bishop agrees with the author's thesis.

In the this case, it looks like the Cardinal is doing more than an imprimatur, but is personally endorsing the book.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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