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Some Clothes I have received... RosaMaria Monday, August 27, 2012


Hello Dear Brother Ignatius Mary,

My question concerns clothing I have received as a gift. My mother's long time friend occasionally brings us used clothes in very good condition. She is a practicing Roman Catholic, although she is in the Neo-Catechumenals group.

What bothers me about her is she is a rather bossy lady and I have noticed that after having received some clothes from her (a few weeks later), she became very agitated when calling on the phone demanding that she needed her bag back, and we didn't know what she was talking.

She called several times on the phone demanding her bag back as if it was here, as if we had kept it on purpose.

My question is, is it dangerous in a spiritual sense to receive gifts such as clothes from certain people, such as this woman?

I vaguely recall reading somewhere, perhaps on this site, that receiving clothing as gifts was a way for the gift giver to have a certain control over you and one's life; do you believe that is true?

I also ask you, as her clothes are very attractive and in good condition and I would like to wear them, but not if there is that sort of spiritual danger. Your advice in this matter will be greatly appreciated! Thanks very much in advance and God bless you and your future spiritual endeavors.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear RosaMaria:

The warning about receiving gifts refer to receiving gifts from witches and occultist. This woman just sounds like a pain in the hindend. As such, there is no danger in receiving gifts from her.

One good practice about any used item whether it be clothing, furniture, an automobile, or whatever is to bless the item using Holy Water.

The reason for this cautionary practice is to avert any potential problems. After all, we do not now where those items have been.

Blessing a motel or hotel room is also a good practice.

Holy Water is a sacramental given to us by the Church to use to ward off demons and to bless each other and our belongings. 

I see no reason to reject this woman's gift.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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