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Physical Sensations Samantha Sunday, October 14, 2012


I became Catholic and was baptized 6 years ago. I did not really understand my faith until a year ago. When it happened, I had a HUGE reconversion and my entire life has changed dramatically. When I go to Mass I always end up crying and getting some sort of tingling like sensation on the back and top of my head.

Over the past year it has increased a lot. Recently, I have been getting this sensation much more frequently and when I am not at Mass. It happens whenever I am talking to someone about Christ or the Blessed Mother or Catholicism and when I am having a conversation about something that I probably should not be talking about.

Lately I'll get this strange feeling on the back and top of my head when I'm doing normal things for my family, like reading to my young children or making dinner. It's happening so often now, that I am getting used to it. It's not a bad feeling, but a physical feeling I have never felt before this year. It is completely involuntary and feels like a cross between tingling, goosbumps and someone gently moving the roots of my hair close to my head. I am completely sane and have never had a mental illness.

I pray the Rosary every day. I find when I am speaking with someone very "Holy" I can get this feeling all over my body. Also, I feel that there are certain people I cannot stand to be in the same room with. Yesterday, we went to pray a public Rosary and I felt a sensation of being lightly choked when I walked up to the place where there was prayer, but not during the Rosary. I felt it afterwards for quite awhile. It was not real pain, but uncomfortable. Like something pushing on my throat.

Can you help me understand what is happening? I sound like I'm crazy. I also came from a completely secular environment and converted to Catholicism only 6 years ago. This is very confusing for me.

One more thing while I'm sounding like a complete lunatic. Since the exact time that I converted, 6 years ago I have been "haunted" by the number 33. My family even notices it now and my husband laughs about it. Anytime there is a chance for a number to come up for me, it's 33. The clock (every time I ask what time it is It's 2:33 or 6:33 etc;), pages, when I buy something at a store, restaurant, the bill is always for $33. My son got a football jersey and sweatshirt given to him with the number 33. There have been literally hundreds of these strange coincidences. I do not go a day without this number coming up somehow. I went to a fabric store today and the woman measuring the fabric said the fabric I handed her was exactly 33 inches. Every day this has happned for 6 years, at least once a day. It doesn't bother me, I just wondered if it means anything? Thank you fo ryour advice. Sorry to sound like a complete nut. God Bless you for your work and for providing this forum.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Samantha:

I praise God that you made a conversion to Jesus Christ and to his one and only true Church in the fullness of the faith, the Catholic Church. I also praise God that you have now come into a deeper relationship with our Lord.

Barring a medical issue, what you might be experiencing is two things.

The tingling and the like during Mass may simply be your response to the presence of the Holy Spirit and that of our Lord in the Eucharist. Many people have responses similar to this when before the Sacrament.

The Holy Spirit will let us know when we are doing something we ought not do, or often when we meet someone with an evil continence, or go near to a place of evil.  

Your experience of this feeling when doing things like reading to your children may be yourself psyching out yourself. You have come to expect it, at least subconsciously, and thus it happens—a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Some of this may be the devil trying to trick you into being worried.

The number 33 issues is easily explained. You have 33 on the brain, as-it-were. What this means is that you have taken notice of the number 33. Thus, you see 33s everywhere. An objective study would show that the number 33 does not show up as often as you think, no more than any other number. But, since you are focused on the number you will not noticed all the times 33 did not come up. You will only notice the times 33 happens.

This is a natural phenomena.

But, demons can take something natural and make you think it is supernatural. Again, their hope is that you will be drawn into numerology, the occult, or at least to rob you of your peace in Christ.

Since you had a wonder conversion, it is possible the devil is messing with you since he does not like what you have done.

You can ask God to take away from you anything that is not of Him, and also to cast away any demons that may be involved.

The best deliverance is living the Christ-life. But, if you need see our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog, linked below. Also see our Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance.

We will pray for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.