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Kachina Dolls Gary Monday, November 12, 2012


What is the Catholic Church's position on owning kachina dolls? I have several that I have acquired over the years living in the Southwest U.S. I have them displayed on a shelf in my home office. They are purely used as decoration of southwestern art.

What is the Church's position on kachinas..... are they considered by the Church as "occult" and need to be discarded?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Gary:

Kachina dolls are representations of spirits or personifications of things in the real world among some Indian tribes. This is part of Indian occultism.

I suppose they can be collected as Indian art, but I would make sure that is all it is. It would be wise to bless each of your dolls with Holy Water.

Should you have any spiritual problems developing in your own life, then you may have to get rid of them as they may act as a trigger. Many of these dolls today are made solely for tourists and are never used in any rituals. Bless the dolls and it should be fine.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

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