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How do we know when God tells us no. Julie Tuesday, December 4, 2012


How does one know for sure when to give up praying for something? I've learned sometimes it takes years for prayers to be answered, sometimes not. How do we know when God is trying to tell us no, that He will not answer our prayers favorably for what we ask Him for in prayer, even though we do good works, tithe, ask the intercession of Saints, etc. When do we know when to give up? My heart keeps telling me to keep at it ( praying) and Padre Pio said, "Pray, hope and don't worry, God is merciful and will hear your prayers" and the bible is full of scripture telling us about being persistent in prayer.

Question Answered by

Dear Julie:

Sorry for the delay in answering.

There are many ways that God may tells us that His answer is no, or "not now". I cannot tell you what that will be since God relates personally to each person in a way that the person will understand and know.

One common theme, however, is that people pray for things that requires another person's decision. God will never intrude upon free will. Thus, if the answer to your prayer requires the decision of another person, the reason that the prayer may not have come true is that the person will not make the decision that would answer the prayer. God will not force the person.

Another common no to a prayer is when we pray for improper things. God will not give you an "A" on a test. You have to do that yourself. God will not give you an expensive house or car. You have to earn that yourself.

Most prayers involve us doing our part, or someone else doing their part. I am reminded of a joke that talks about this:

A man prayers to God, "Lord, please let me will the lottery. I do not want this for myself, but my wife is sick and there are hospital bills to pay, the kids need clothes for school, and I am having a hard time even putting food on the table for my family. Please, Lord, just this once, let me win the lottery."

The lottery comes, the lottery goes. The man did not win.

He comes back to God, "Lord, you know I do not ask this for greed. My family is in need, please let me win the lottery this once."

The lottery comes, the lottery goes. The man did not win.

The man now cries out, "Lord, I do not understand. Why won't you grant my request. You know that I do not ask out of greed."

God answers the man. "Son, I see your need and desire to help you, but, son, give me a break, at least buy a lottery ticket."

The majority of prayers require our participation.

We must always say in our prayers, no matter what our petition, "Nevertheless, Lord, Thy will be done." We need to accept our lot in life, accept whatever God's will is for us, accept whatever His answer is to prayer.

We have a pamphlet that is useful in this regard, Christian Resignation as a Prerequisite to Freedom.

The best advice is that you quoted, "Pray, hope and don't worry, God is merciful and will hear your prayers".  

Give it to God and go on with your life. Until the answer is clear to you, keep praying, but be sure you are praying for the right thing, and remember that any prayer that requires an action or decision on someone's part, God will not force them.

Also, be sure you do not miss the answer. Sometimes we miss the answer God has given us because we are looking in the wrong decision. God will answer in His time and in His way, not the time and way we expect.

This is like the man in the flood.

Someone came to his door to rescue him. The man declined saying that God would save him. The water gets higher and a man in a boat comes to rescue him. The man declines saying that God would save him. Finally the water is so high that the man must crawl out onto the roof. A helicopter came to his rescue but the man declined as God would save him.

The man drowns. In heaven the man asks, "Lord, why did you not come to save me?" God answered, "I did son. I brought your the rescue worker to lead you out of the way of the flood, I sent you a boat when the waters were rising, and I sent you a helicopter to save you on the roof. But, you turned them all away.

Be watchful. God may answer your prayers in ways that you do not expect.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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