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Defense Prayers for Mayan date 12-21-2012 Caterina Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Dear Brother Ignatius Mary,

I have been running across many mentions of the 21 December 2012 Mayan calendar date, even in the mainstream current affairs and chat sites that I have visited. From what I can tell it is a New Age fraud and those of Mayan heritage have made efforts to repudiate it.

However, I have come across mentions that around the world thousands of new agers and occultists plan to be carrying out rituals all through the 21st.

I intend to attend Mass and receive Communion on the morning of the 21st, as well continuing with Advent prayers at home, but are there any specific prayers (as with Halloween) you could recommend as a spiritual warfare measure?

God bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Caterina:

The Mayan calendar does not, I repeat does not predict the end of the world. It only speaks to an end of an era. Nutballs all over the world seem to insist that the Mayan Calendar says something that it does not say not and many make big money for their "sky is falling" nonsense. 

There are no special prayers we need to pray as December 21st is just another day. Remember, Jesus said that no one knows when the end of the world will be. Jesus does not lie. Therefore, be not afraid.

What you can pray for is that the nutballs who believe all this nonsense come to their senses. 

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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