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Fr. Fortea ancestral sins jeanne Sunday, January 13, 2013


Hi Brother,
I noticed in the most recent post on ancestral sin that Fr.Fortea was included in a list who beleived in ancestral sin.

I recently watched a series of lectures by Fr.Fortea, and this was one area he said he never could understand or accept.

God bless for all the work you do here.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Jeanne:

I imagine Fr. Fortea is talking about the common definition of ancestral sin as defined by Pentecostals and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal that is often contaminated by Pentecostal ideas.

I doubt if Fr Fortea would disagree with the definition I gave. To properly respond I'd have to see the lecture myself to assure exactly what he is referring to. Also, keep in mind that not all exorcists agree on every point.

In his book, "Interview with an Exorcist", however, he gives an example of ancestral demonization. On question 71 he says that one way a person can become possessed is by the parent's offering their child to Satan.  Fr. Fortea also talks about curses. It is most often a curse that is involved in ancestral issues.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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