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Bringing traumatic events into confession Teresa Thursday, January 24, 2013


Hello Brother

Thank you so much for the clarity and insight in such spiritual and faith matters. I am seeing a counselor a great one to help me deal with survivors guilt and PTSD of child and adult abuse which was physical, sexual and spiritual. Survivor's guilt of my friend who committed suicide.

Is it proper or possible to bring up traumatic memories in confession and ask for the grace to forgive as well as to forget the memory. I am about healing with Christ with the sacraments. I know confession is only for confessing sins, temptations and weaknesses what about suffering such as this.

Even though I go weekly to confession for I need grace and mercy daily, I am usually more detailed and my confessor is ever patient with me about this. I was having a horrible memory in prayer and I said while maybe I should confess it it will be in the light of Christ and I feel God wants to talk to me about it through confession but I am not sure if this is right.

I am reading a book called frequent confessions and it does state that one should confess his her sins, temptations weaknesses, short comings, while my memories of traumatic events is a huge weakness and Offten cause for upset in my soul. this is confusing since I know a priest is not a counselor so maybe I should not reveal these memories of trauma in confession.

What does the Catholic church say and what are your thoughts on this. Alot of these memories of trauma occur in prayer or in times when least expected and so I do follow a pattern of behavior such as panic and then despair mixed with anger and sorrow and contrition. This is why I am wondering if I should bring up these memories in confession. I feel the Lord wants to give me more understanding too through the healing process. I want to make sure I am not closed to all the graces he wishes to give me.

I went to adoration today and I haven't been for a while but the Lord reminded in Christ all things are made new does that include what I am going through PTSD, and behaviors that follow. I never want to abuse the sacrament of confession nor traumatized the priest the confessor and remain open to God's grace even though it would be difficult to confess the traumatic memories of traumatic events. I appreciate your insight in this so I can be enlightened on this matter and I ask for prayers.

Thank you!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Teresa:

You need to remember that Confession is not a counseling session. You need to deal the PTSD with a mental health professional.

With that said, inasmuch as these memories affect you ability to forgive (since unforgiveness is a sin), bring up the issue in confession might be a good idea, but I am not the one to ask.

Teresa, you need to talk with your confessor about such things. He can answer your question about this better than I. Talk to him about it.

We are praying for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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