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Lord of the Flies? Cecelia Friday, January 25, 2013


I have seen several pictures and interviews of President Obama in the past years with flies on his face, and once even being surrounded by a swarm of flies during an interview, which he abruptly cut short. The flies are reported to stay on or around him for an incredible amount of time. I can't think of a time in my life that I have even had a fly land on me, let alone for the length of time that they stay on his face. Here is a link to an article on The Telegraph listing some of the instances. 

Just recently, yet again, he had two flies around him and landing on him, this time while announcing two new members to his administration.

Honestly, the first thing I thought of was Lucifer, Beelzebub, The Lord of the Flies. All things considered, including our Presidents past relationships with such unsavory characters such as Alinsky, is this fly problem possibly a sign of possession or at the very least demonic influence/oppression? With President Obamas blatant attacks on our Church and Christian faith, I can't help but wonder. So many times people have referred to him as their "messiah". We seem to live in an upside down world, where up is down and wrong is right, and often it appears he has become the false prophet leading and encouraging the madness.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Cecelia:

We should read nothing into this. Flies happen. The few instances that flie have been around Obama means nothing. It is just coincidence.

If Obama does attract flies in some manner, it would be explained bio-chemically, either from his body chemistry or even by the cologne he uses. There is a similar phenemenon with mosquitoes. Some people seem to attract mosquitoes more then others.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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