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Majician comes to Town Rachael Monday, February 11, 2013


Dear Brother Ignatius,

There is a Majician who is coming to the local Hall in my home town in Ireland. I have seen the guy interviewed a few times on TV. He has produced a book I cannot mention but you may have a good idea. Also he has set up the stage like a Giant Wigi board which he will play with the audience. Also he will be holding a huge seance.

Anyway my son and all of his Primary School will be having their concert in the same Hall two nights later which I am very concerned about. As God only knows what spirits now will be in the hall.

The day I bought the tickets for my sons concert I walked all around the outside of the building with Holy Water mixed with Blessed Salt from Fr Bing, who is an Exorcist. I will also pour the Holy Water and Blessed Salt on my son before he goes into the Hall. What do you think Brother, my son is really looking forward to his concert and it is going to be hard for him to miss it??? I also placed a Miraculous Medal outside and prayed the ST. Michael Prayer.

Thank you so much for your time in this matter. Rachael

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)

Dear Rachel:

I wish I could come and see the concert. I would love to live in Ireland someday and have recently looked on the Internet to view the cost of rentals. Anyway...

You are doing all the things that you should do.

Let me tell you a story of something similar that I was involved in.

I was at a major spiritual warfare conference in 1990. We have more than 140 spiritual warriors and exorcists from all over the world in attendance. The conference was held at a convention center. We had one of the convention halls and some business was having a business conference in the hall next to ours. The entertainment for the business conference with some psychic magician.

While we were in the middle of our conference, during a plenary session, the whole room, all 140 of us suddenly felt a call from God to stop our conference and pray. So we prayed for about 10 or 15 minutes and then went on with our meeting.

During a break, one of the men in our conference overheard a man from the business conference talking about their psychic magician entertainment. The businessman was musing about how the psychic magician could not do his act. The magician said to his audience that this was the first time in his career that his psychic powers did not work.

Of course, this magician did not realize that there was 140 of some of the most powerful spiritual warriors in the world next door praying.

Such is the power of prayer against the forces of darkness. Hallelujah.

Thus, Rachael, you are precisely correct in doing what is called a Jericho walk outside of the building praying and sprinkling holy water around the building. Do the sign of the Cross, sprinkling the holy water in the sign of the cross, every 10 feet or so. Blessing your son is also a wise thing to do before he enters the building.

If this is still in the future, or for future reference if this comes up again, here is a prayer you can say at the entrance of the building:

Trusting in the promise that whatever we ask the Father in Jesus’ name He will do, I now approach You Father with confidence in Our Lord’s words and in Your infinite power and love for me, and with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, Blessed Archangel Michael, the guardian angels of my practice, my family and myself, with all the saints and angels of heaven, and Holy in the power of His blessed Name, I ask you Father to cleanse this Hall of any demonic presence or attachments, especially due to the magician's acts carried out the other day. Protect all the boys and girls, their parents and friends, the teachers, and my son, from any demons whom we may come into contact who are still hanging around this Hall when we come for our concert. Keep my family and myself, and all the other parents, children, teachers and all others who come to the concert, from the harassment of the devil and his minions.

Father I ask that You build a hedge of protection around this Hall, and around my family and myself, and around each of the children and their parents, and the teachers and others who attend, like that which surrounded Job.

Father, I know that I am powerless against the spiritual forces of evil and recognize my utter dependence on You and Your power. Look with mercy upon me. Do not look upon my sins, O Lord; rather, look at the sufferings of your Beloved Son and see the Victim whose bitter passion and death has reconciled me to You. By the victory of the Cross, protect this Hall, the children, the parents and teachers, and all who attend this concert, my family, and myself, from all evil and rebuke any evil spirits who wish to attack, influence, or breach Your hedge of protection in any way. Send them immediately and quietly back to Hell and fortify Your Hedge of Protection around all of us and this concert by the blood of Your Son, Jesus. Send your Holy Angels to watch over this Hall, the concert, and all who attend.

Father, all of these things I ask in the most holy name of Jesus Christ, Your Son. Thank you, Father, for hearing my prayer. I love You, I worship You, I thank You and I trust in You. Amen.

We will be in prayer for your family, this concert, and all who attend. We will also be in prayer for this magician in hopes that he will see the error of his ways and come to God.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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