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RE: exorcisms and cleansing of places Omar Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Thank you, Brother, for your response. I had also asked if you've heard of, or read, a book called "House of Darkness House of Light?" I checked out the reviews on Amazon and a promo video on youtube by the author. The book seems like a sensationalized story rather than a real memoir, but I was curious to hear your take on it? Thank you, and God bless you and your ministry.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Omar:

I have not read the book or watched the movie. I have not heard of the case and cannot at the moment find anything on the Internet about it that is not directly linked to the book or movie.

Based on what I have read in excerpts I sincerely doubt that this book is truly an accurate account of what happened. It is not even written like a real memoir, but like any typical fiction book on ghosts. Ghost stories make a lot of money these days and I am sure this one will make the person a lot. But, to make it a best seller, an accurate non-fiction account will not do. To sell it must be sensationalized. The book is also 500+ pages with a second volume planned. Please, give me a break. There is no way that this story, if true, would take that many pages and volumes. That sort of thing is what an author plans in fiction as a market strategy.

So, even though I have not read the book, my red flags are flying.

As for the movie, one can forget any semblance of truth. When a movies states, "based on a true story" or "inspired by a true story" it is most often the case that the only true thing about the movie is that some historical event took place. That can be the only thing in the movie resembling the truth. It is like reading a book cover, and then finding out that the content of the book has little relationship to the hype of the book cover.

In fact, some movies have claimed "based upon" or "inspired by" to which that claim is a bald-faced lie. To use those monikers sells books and movies. I have seen movies that show at the end of the film some information that appears to authenticate the truth of the film to which, once researched, turns out to be a total lie. Again, such monikers, disclaimers, and information presentations are deliberately designed to market the film or book. Unfortunately, it seems most people are duped by this technique, which of course, is the producer's or publisher's intention.

The movie? total trash as usual. That can be seen by the trailer alone. The book? I do not know for sure since I have not read it, but my red flags are all over the field. The haunting may have taken place, but I suspect the telling of the story has been highly sensationalized. Nevertheless, final judgment must be reserved until such time one (probably not me) actually reads the book.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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