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burying sacramentals Louise Thursday, November 18, 2004


Dear Brother;

Do you think it does anything to bury a sacramental on the property of an abortion "clinic" or a masonic temple?

Years ago, I read in a religious magazine that someone did this on the property of an abortion "clinic" and they went out of "business". Thinking it could help and couldn't hurt I buried a Brown Scapular on the grounds of a masonic hospital that had an ajoining masonic temple. It was their main headquarters for the whole state. I looked on it as something similar to blessing a house that has had demonic troubles.

Do you find in your spiritual warfare counseling that this helps to do and have you ever recommended it?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear Louise:

There is nothing wrong with burying a sacramental in the grounds of Masonic Temples, abortion clinics, etc. as long as we remember that the sacramentals are not magic talismons. Such sacramentals, are rather, a form of offering that property to God by proxy and placing a sign or notice to the devils that you have claimed this property for God. The sacramentals are a sign of your faith and your prayers to facilitate the will of God in the face of the evil that takes place on that property.

Sometimes this practice, along with intense prayer, can be enough to push away the demonic entities that fuel such places and warn off other demonic forces from coming onto the property in the first place.

This is not a magic bullet either so do not be discouraged if nothing seems to happen. Behind the scenes in the spiritual realm all sort of combat is happening. Only God knows how many souls may have been saved from evil by your devotion and actions.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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