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Demonic influences & occurrences Sheri Sunday, April 28, 2013


Thank you for such a wonderful sight with relevant information and guidance!

I have a question of a rather odd nature.

I have for years dealt with demonic influences in my life, and in my family. I have spoken to my priest, and was put in touch several years ago with a deacon who has a deliverance team. One of my sons and I have had deliverance blessings done over us individually, and we've had a home deliverance, including Mass performed in our home. I have faithfully done all I was asked to do--frequent reception of the Sacraments, avoiding movies, music, etc that are unhealthy, increased prayer life, etc.

Over a decade ago, prior to becoming a Catholic, I had my tubes tied. My husband and I found ourselves the parents of five young children and it overwhelmed me during a period of dark depression. I now know this was not a biological but rather a spiritually caused depression; when I began to increase in faith and stop living in sin, it lifted. For years, I have known that my decision to have my tubes tied was wrong; it took God's will away in my effort to be in control of my life. In the last few months, my husband has come to be on the same page with me, and we have sought to right the wrong we inflicted. I had a laparoscopy last week, to see if a reversal could be possible. At that time, the doctor found a piece of metal in my body, sitting on top of my uterus. She was disturbed and perplexed by it; she has absolutely no idea what it is or could be. She asked other doctors, nurses, etc, and no one recognizes it. I informed her that when I had my tubes tied a decade ago, it to was a laparoscopic procedure, and she said that there is no explanation for how the metal got there; there should have been no tools used that could come apart in that procedure. I have had no other procedures done, except for a tonsillectomy when I was 5.

Is it possible that this is spiritual in origin?

Thank you very much for taking time to read and answer this.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Sheri:

What you describe is odd. It is unlikely to be of spiritual origin as it is a material object. It is possible, I suppose, that the metal may have been there since you were in your mother's womb. If, for some reason, your mother had some metal inserted I suppose this could by an explanation, I do not know. Anything is possible. Whatever its origin, the issue is what to do about it now.

The solution, I would presume, is for the object to be surgically removed. That, of course, is a medical decision which I am not competent to make. Talk with your doctor about the possibility of removing it.

After your surgeries are over, I would have yourself, and specifically, your reproductive organs blessed.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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