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laying on of hands Antonio Monday, April 29, 2013


Dear Brother Ignatius, many lay persons laying hands in personal prayer. My question is: what the Church says about it?

I'm not against it, but probably there are some rules.

Thank you

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Antonio:

The Church concern is that laying on of hands not be a gesture that too closely resembles the actions authorized to priest, such as in the Sacrament of Anointing.

Otherwise, a layman may lay hands on someone in prayer if they have that person's permission.

Laying on of hands in circumstances of possible demonization, however, can be very dangerous, and should not be attempted by those untrained in deliverance work. In this situation, laying on of hands can even cause a transference of the demon from the person being prayed for to the person saying the prayers. I know of several cases of this happening. No one should be attempting deliverance on someone else unless they are called by God and are thoroughly trained.

This warning is especially needed for the Charismatics who typically lay on hands as a matter of careless course, often in ways warned against by the Church, and most often in circumstances to which they are not competent, such as in deliverance. Because one is a so-called Charismatic does not make one automatically qualified and competent for anything, let alone deliverance.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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