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angels by doreen virtue Lessly Wednesday, June 12, 2013


My sister-in-law reads a lot of books on angel which i think is good . There are some books on angels written by doreen virtue which she also is been reading and when i went through these books i have seen that there are no refernce to the teachings of the catholic church.Is it advisble to read such kind of books .There is a books by the same author on '101 messages' and a website (

Br. kindly advice

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Lessly:

Doreen Virtue is a fruitcake. Under no circumstances should any Christian, Protestant or Catholic, listen to anything this fruit has to say.

The very first sentence of her About Me page reveals her position in the fruitcake parade:

Doreen Virtue is a spiritual doctor of psychology and a fourth-generation metaphysician who works with the angelic, elemental, and ascended-master realms in her writings and workshops.

Elemental and Ascended-Master realms? This chick has been watching too much of the TV show Star Gate. Everyone and their cat has some wacky belief in angels. This is one of the most popular subjects in the loony world of the New Age.


Do not ever get a book, or any kind of material, about angels unless it is a Catholic book.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

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