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Shadow people phenomenon Omar Friday, June 21, 2013


Hello, Brother:

Are you familiar with the shadow people phenomenon and with this documentary?

Here, they seem to talk about this phenomenon from various views: scientific, psychological, etc. I was curious to hear your thoughts on this issue. Thanks, and God bless you and your ministry.

Question Answered by

Dear Omar:

This documentary is utter nonsense. There is no such thing as shadow people, inter-dimensional people, etc. Those who suggest this are wrong.

There is a phenomenon of what looks like a 3-dimensional "shadow" going through the room. This is a demon. Sometimes demons appear in a way that appears like a shadow to us, either full to the eye or in the corner of our eye.

Sleep paralysis is a natural phenomenon when a person awakes during REM sleep. Our bodies are paraylzed while in REM sleep to protect us from physically acting out our dreams. During this time it is common to experience the Old Hag or other monstrous things, a heaviness on the chest, etc. 

While this is a natural phenomenon, it is a vulnerable time to which demons can take advantage. Thus, sometimes, a demonic attack can take place.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

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