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Are All Incense Sticks New Age? Clare Thursday, June 27, 2013


Hi, Brother,

My former roommate (serious Catholic) wouldn't let me light incense sticks in the apartment even though the sticks were blessed by a priest and I use them when praying the Divine Office. She says that Marino Restrepo said that they are all New Age, no exceptions.

I tried googling Marino Restrepo and his views on incense sticks but I couldn't find anything. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with lighting blessed incense sticks when praying. Mine I got at Wal-Mart.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Clare:

There is nothing wrong with incense. The Church uses incense all the time. If fact, incense is part of the traditional liturgy of the Mass (all the smells and bells).

The smoke of burning incense is a symbol of the prayer of the faithful rising to heaven. we see this symbolism in Psalm 141 (140), verse 2: "Let my prayer be directed as incense in thy sight: the lifting up of my hands, as evening sacrifice."

In  Revelations, incense symbolizes the prayers of the saints in heaven - the "golden bowl full of incense" are "the prayers of the saints" (Revelation 5:8, cf.; 8:3) which infuse upwards towards the altar of God.

This is an ancient practice going all the way back to the early Church, to the Jewish Faith, and even back to the ancient Egyptians. Each culture adapted the practice for it own purposes. As Christians it represents our prayers rising up to God and it also is used as a purification, as in incensing the Altar, or the priest, or the people.

If we were to stop using things that are co-opted by the New Age or by Satanism we would have no symbols left. St. Michael is a common New Age angel. The Cross is used by some occultist. Are we to abandon St. Michael because the New Age uses him too? Are we to abandon the Cross because some occultists use the Cross? No.

The type of incense used by the Church most often frankincense and myrrh, which you can buy from Catholic goods stores. I burn this mixture frequently. There is a special meaning behind frankincense and myrrh. When the wise men from the East came to see the Christ child, the brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Gold is a gift to a King. Frankincense is a gift given to a God. Myrrh is a spice used in burial. Thus, these oriental kings knew who the Christ Child was a King, who is God, and who would die for His people.

When you use incense at home for religious reasons, the symbolism remains the same—it symbolizes your prayer rising up to God, and as a purifier to bless your home.

All incense, whether bought from a Catholic store, or sticks bought was Wal Mart, should be blessed. It is particularly important to have blessed any incense purchased from a secular source.

Once blessed, any negative attachments that may have been on the sticks will be removed. There is nothing to fear.

If Marino Restrepo said that all incense is New Age, he is not only wrong, but irresponsible in teaching scrupulosity about this.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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