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Napoleon Hill related Francis Tuesday, July 2, 2013


The question is related to the scientific part of Napoleon Hill's teaching. For example his ideas on positive thinking, forgiveness, thankfulness etc. All these could be given a catholic meaning. His ideas on subconscious mind, imagination and working of mind could also be accepted. Similarly auto suggestions, affirmations etc. Many of his ideas could be used in our prayers too.This is what I understand.

But recently I learn that he is a Freemason.

Is it acceptable to take ideas from him and adapt it to catholic christian needs. Help me here as I am already using them.

Question Answered by

Dear Francis:

Have nothing to do with Napoleon Hill. He was part of the positive thinking movement that teaches things that are inconsistent with Christianity. You do not need to know anything more than the Bible and the Catechism to learn the correct notions of genuine "positive thinking, forgiveness, and thankfulness." Why go to a non-Christian source where you may find yourself contaminated by wrong notions.

The devil loves to use the technique of the "grain of sand."  One will see some good things but doesn't realize that surrounding that grain of truth is a whole bunch of garbage. Just because there is a grain of truth does not mean that whole of the teaching is Christian.

If he was a Freemason, then that triples the warning to stay away from him.

Stick with Catholic sources.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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