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Photographing Demons Joseph Monday, July 22, 2013


Bro. Ignatius,

My father wrote to ask me about a few photos in which there is a "strange light or 'orb'", and asked me if spirits can be photographed and how they would appear. "First thought was maybe sun glare but it seems to be in the same general area in multiple shots," he said, "still probably an anomaly but seems kinda strange." I have heard of demons showing up in pictures as lights, orbs, etc, and also under other guises and forms of course. Do you have any information on the orb/lights phenomena; how would you respond?

God bless and thanks for all you do,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Joseph:

I have been doing this a long, long time. I have yet to find any photographic evidence of demons or "ghosts" caught on film that is convincing. This is especially the case with the so-called "orb" and "streaks".

Despite the popular nonsense of these ghost investigation groups and TV shows, demons seek the shadows, they seek not to be discovered. If an investigation uncovers no photography or other evidence of ghosts or demons, it means nothing. Any nearly all alleged "evidence" is either hoax, can be explained naturally, or are presumptively interpreted based upon the way the brain works to seek order out of chaos (to see something there when there may not be anything there, or see a figure in a cloud that no one sees until it is pointed out to them. The brain always fills in the gaps top make sense of what may be nothing more than random geometric forms. That sort of thing).

Demons will have no problem, however, exploiting gullible people about these orbs and things. If it will get people to be interested in things they ought to stay away from, the demon will be pleased.

Should a demon appear in a photograph it will only be to seduce the person into improper curiosity and interest into demonology, the occult, and/or the dangerous farce of these paranormal investigation groups.

In terms of doing "real" investigations of paranormal happenings in a house, a camera or a tape recorder has almost no use at all. The only scientific equipment that may be needed in an investigation, and then only rarely, is equipment that can eliminate paranormal explanations, not to capture them. For example, hallucinations can be caused by certain frequencies of electro-magnetic radiation and also sound frequencies. The "ghosts" in these cases are not real, but hallucinations caused by the EM or sound frequencies interacting with the eye and/or brain. Nothing more.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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