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Knights of Columbus: Confused???? George Thursday, November 25, 2004


A few weeks ago I saw a few posts on your website about the KofC and came to the conclusion that the KofC was ok. I have gone through the 1st degree and have mixed feelings about the group.

I did an internet search on the Knights and found out that you can buy KofC merchandise through a masonic website

Can you explain why I can buy KofC merchandise through a masonic site???? I thought KofC was a counter org to the masons?? It is my understanding that the masons' purpose is to destroy the Church, is this correct?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM+

Dear George:

I do not know what merchandise of the Knights that may be on the Mason site that you list, but the Knights of Columbus cannot be held accountable because the Masons sell Knights merchandise. Anyone who can get ahold of the merchandise can sell it. There are Satanists who sell crucifixes and other religious items. Does that mean that the Church is a cohort of Satanists?

I am personally quoted on some Satanist sites. I guarantee you that I am not a Satanist and do not endorse their sites, but there is nothing I can do about people quoting me.

Any Catholic who is a member of the Masons is in serious sin and is barred from the Sacraments. The Knights of Columbus supports the Church in this evaluation and obeys it as a organization. The Knights have nothing to do with the Masons.

As for the purpose of the Masons, at one time the Masons had an overt mission to attack the Catholic Church. That is no longer their mission, at least publicly, as they have moved on to their own issues. This is why the auto-excommunication is no longer in effect. But the philosophy of the Masons is still utterly inconsistent, and even hostile, with Christianity (with many demonic elements) and thus the Church has declared that no Catholic may be a member of the Mason under pain of sin and barment from the Sacraments.

As a Deliverance minister for nearly 20 years, I personally consider the Masons to be one of the most dangerous anti-Christ organizations in the world -- not because of some conspiracy theory that the wackos talk about, but because of the subtlety of the approach of Masonry. Subtlety is one of Satan's most powerful tools. Behind the facade of the public service, philanthropy, charitable activities and the like, that people think about in association with Masons, there hides a very dark and sinister system of thought. I am utterly amazed that any Christian, Catholic or Protestant, would remain with the Masons even after the very first initiation ritual -- which is OBVIOUSLY problematic from a Christian point-of-view. But, Satan is a master at blinding people (an interesting coincidence with the "hoodwink" aspect of the Masonry ritual).

The Knights of Columbus organization is 100% loyal and obedient to the Pope and Magisterium and is a great asset to the Church. I believe the Popemobile is provided by the Knights, the TV feed to broadcast the Pope's trips, Masses, and speeches, is paid for by the Knights, and the Knights provide some of the best written material available for catechesis.

Not every group is for everyone. Every group has its own personality and thus may not be everyone's "cup of tea." That fact does not imply that anything is wrong with the group, or wrong with the person. It just means that the person may find another group more to their preferences and needs.

Whatever your reservations may be, the Knights of Columbus is a great organization. If the Knights does not fit your needs or is not your style or "cup of tea" there are 1000s of other groups in the Church to which you check out and join.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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