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Neighborhood Church Crystal Friday, August 30, 2013


Dear Brother,

There's a Pentecostal Church in my neighborhood that does not have regular weekly or Sunday services,but only has them once in a while.

It's not a church building but more so, a commercial environment as it once was a liquor store and a restaurant whereas both businesses failed.

Last Sunday, the Evangelist of this church were doing a lot of "street" preaching and many were speaking in tongues. Although they were giving the message of God, what I've noticed is whenever they do preach the gospel; a lot of misfortune occurs. As later on that day when they finished, I got a migraine headache, the following day, there was an argument between two customers in my neighborhood convenience store, and two of my neighbors' sons were having problems with each other.

Because of the prior businesses and one being a former liquor store, do you think the ground this church is on could be cursed? As whenever the Catholic Church in my neighborhood rings its church bells, there is a feeling of peace and tranquility. However when this particular church is opened, I often feel uneased.

If you could give me some insight into this, I would really appreciate it and if it is a possibility this church is on cursed ground; what prayers can be used for protection.

Thank you,
God Bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, LTh, DD, LNDC

Dear Crystal:

These events are all coincidence and correlations. There is no real connection at all between these events. You need to stop spiritualizing everything. The devil is not around every corner.

There is no misfortune occurring when this guy preaches. It is only coincidence and correlation that you notice things happening at those times. There is a fundamental maxim in reasoned thinking, "Correlation does not equal causation."

When one looks for connections they will find them. But what they often find is their own imaginations. This is how superstitious thinking begins.

Stop trying to find connections around every corner. Life has enough of real problems without inventing non-existent problems.

You own experience of headache and feeling soothed at Church bells is a psychological phenomenon. It is a psychosomatic effect.

I would advise that you seek out a good spiritual director to help you sort things things out.  Perhaps a mental health professional can help with your anxiety as this does look like anxiety issues.

But, mostly, remember, 96% or more of the problems we see have nothing to do with demons, curses, or the like. Human beings are perfectly able to get at each others neck without any help from the devil. And, secondly, coincidence explains a lot more than we think.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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